Match EQ plugin...?


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Happy New Year everyone!

I've read about matching EQ here, and some seem to use this quite a lot. As for everything there are pros and cons and the purpose now is not to debate about it as it's been already discussed many times. I don't know if it's worth it really but I'd like to try by myself. Is there a good yet cheap or free plugin for Mac/PT? Thanks!
If you just wanna try Match-EQing, you could grab the demo. iZotope offers a 10-Day free trial afaik.
Ozone I a must have anyway! Fabfilter has a pretty sweet and smart matche Eq because it provides a curve using a limited amount of bells. From there it's a normal Eq and you can customize your Eq. It's fast to adjust the Eq to something acceptable
Pro Q 2 has a pretty cool eq match function, but to be completely honestly, eq matching isn't nearly as useful as essentially any other feature in that beast lol
I don't know of any free or cheap plugins that do match eq well. I think Ozone and Fabfilter are probably best at it, but both are obviously pricey. I know you said this thread wasn't to debate its merits, but I've never really ended up using match EQ in a mix. Pro Q 2 has an option to limit the number of EQ bands, so I use the match function but limit it to around 3-5 bands to see what it comes up with and then I do the EQ work myself, because if you let the plugin do it you'll wind up with incredibly steep, weird-shaped cuts and boosts to match the source material perfectly.

If you want something free that basically does the same thing, I'd just load 2 instances of Voxengo Span and then EQ it yourself to get in the ballpark, since that's what match EQ is doing, but it's a computer, so it does it accurately but stupidly and without considering what kind of source material you're working with.
There's a great command line tool MatcherCL by Russian comrade deLuther:

Download link is in the description (read included Readme.txt for command line switches).
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