Recommend me a good surgical EQ plugin!


Jun 23, 2009
I´m currently searching some new plugins because I ditched my cracked stuff and I want more than my free stuff. I bought POD Farm and some of the Stillwell plugins, which are great! What I need now is a good surgical EQ. Since I´ll buy the PSP vintage warmer plugin, I thought about buying the Neon (HR) EQ too. Do you guys have any other suggestions? Or should I stick with Neon?

Greetings Chris
Waves RennEQ

McDSP Filterbank ... although, its not AS surgical as the RennEQ but it has a nice feel to it. Don't know if you're on PT or not but if you are, the stock EQIII is also very very good
I quite like th LP10, It seems very versatile for getting rid of specific frequencies etc, and its cheap. I think they changed their pricing plan recently from pay what you want, but I quite like it
Thx guise!

That apulSoft EQ looks very interesting... Does it support 64-bit OS? Didn´t find anything about that on the page.

BTW: I´m running Cubase 5 on a PC with W7 64-bit.
I read that even the 64-bit Cubase can run 32-bit Plugins via VST-bridge without problems... Never tried, though.
Another vote for Apulsoft's EQ, fucking love that thing, it goes on every channel in my projects. If you want to know if it will work or not... just download the demo and try it dude, I don't see what the problem is lol.
Since you are running Cubase, I just use either the built-in EQ or the Studio EQ for really surgical stuff. They really improved it over 5 so it isn't as harsh. The default curves are now strange to me, more "vintage" I guess. But if you mess with the curve options and such, it can get very surgical.

If you need it placed somewhere specific, then just use the studio EQ. Gives you 4 bands. I would spend some time with it before spending money. Most DAW plugs included are just fine for colorless processing and Cubase has a pretty good suite of them.

But there is also Electri-Q that is pretty popular. I have used the posihfopit edition on my mobile rig running LE and it is very nice.
long answer is yes, with a few exceptions, its merely how the GUI influences your decisions

EQs aren't equal between DAWs, computer systems and anything else that I've tested.

I would agree with the "no" statement.

Linear EQs are sonically cleaner - but most EQs (deliberately) add some character.