Mathias Nygård - "The Songs that changed my life"

Thanks a lot for sharing the article, Cari!
Pretty interesting. It's good to see where metal artists get inspiration from and how the fact they play a certain genre doesn't really influence their preferences in music. Gogol Bordello and Bjork were kinda surprising. :)
I think this has been posted a while ago, I remember there was a discussion of who was better between Christina Aguilera and Shakira.
I don't know you guys, but to me, Shakira kicks her ass.
never seen it before, so *lol*
and since the link in this other thread didnt work, I never saw the article, just this interesting (lol) discussion XD
I can't remember the article, but considering I read most UK alt magazines I couldn't tell you if I've read that as a scan or in a newsagents =)
Old thread is old hence dead link, still it was live when I joined *shrugs*
I am sure most people here can't truly grasp the musical differences between the two - I for sure can not. I have the feeling a lot of the thumbs up/down comments relate to . . . well, stuff other than the music made by these two ladies.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
and I still don´t understand why esp Shakira seems to be so disliked...I like both for occasional listening...
Well I personally think Shakira is a gorgeous entertainer and performer, she's kinda got this talent to combine modernism with "rarity", to call it so, cause there aren't THAT many latino-influenced artists in mainstream music nowadays, but when it comes to the voice and to the quality of the work itself, I just admire Christina so much more. I'm not a big fan of any of them though. I just think Christina is being taken seriously as an artist because of her voice and the music she does, not because of how original/entertaining/"awesome" her combination of skills is.
Long story short, if I wanna go "wow" cause of the great stage presence, genuineness and the capacity of being a front woman, I'd watch a Shakira concert. But if I really wanna listen to quality music and a damn huge and admirable voice, I'd go for a Christina song. :)

So, yeah. Big post. :D