Matt Barlow rejoins Iced Earth

If this is true, Barlow should do both bands. He agreed to this and should at least follow through on the Pyramaze album.
Unless it conflicts too much with Micheal's and Pyramaze's wishes.

I still think this is a joke. Ripper is an excellent singer who did a great job on FA. to get the boot like this is odd to say the least. Everyone knows the oh so annoying Barlow/Ripper topics. I can't see this happening but it "has".

In the end,

I love Iced Earth
I love Pyramaze
I love Beyond Fear





I think I just blew about 5 loads in my pants all at once!!!!!!!! I was tired about 2 seconds ago but this news just gave me a second wind, I think I need to go for a run or something. Now I will probably get a chance to see Iced Earth in concert with Matt behind the mic, and after that happens somebody might as well just kill me because my life can only be downhill after that. Damn, this is probably the best news I've EVER heard in my entire life!!!!!!


I have to say this is the best news ever along with Matt joining Pyramaze. I hope this does not effect his duties in Pyramaze. As much as I want Matt back in IE, he HAS to stay w/ Pyramaze.

Wow. The most unexpected news ever.

Is this a joke.
This isn't a joke as far as I know, I first saw the news on

"When I heard several months ago that Matt [Barlow] was going to be doing a project in music again, I was thinking about contacting him and seeing what his intentions were. I didn't act on this because I was so focused on the writing of the new epic, and frankly, it just didn't seem realistic.

"Well, after getting out on the road and speaking with many of you directly, I decided to call Matt and see how he was doing and if he was interested in working together again. I am proud to say that he is coming back to ICED EARTH and we will be getting back to work in the studio very soon.

"Matt will be singing on Part 2 of the 'Something Wicked' concept CD and we will be looking forward to getting out on tour and delivering a series of ICED EARTH shows that will rival any in the history of the band. And there will be a proper DVD filmed from this period, something we’ve all been waiting for.

Holy shite...never expected that to happen. I really wonder how and why Matt will do this. I was really happy he was going to make music again with Pyramaze.
I always imagined this message to be the greatest news to me ever...but I would have been just as happy if he would've only sticked to Pyramaze..silly enough.
Really puzzled though by his motives; since he left IE to better support his family. Ahh least we'll be seeing/hearing more of him. :headbang:

I wonder if now they'd be willing to release the original Glorious Burden, or rerecord SW part 1? They rerecorded a lot of pre-Barlow material the first time he joined, so I don't see why not.
Well working 2 bands at once could put bacon on the table. Alot of singers/musicians do this.

Jens Carlson sings in 3 bands, all of em i like.
Samus was in Suspyre, while working with Mutiny and Dark Empire.
God only knows how many bands Lance King is juggling.

As long as Barlow gives it his all and Micheal and the rest of Pyramaze are fine with this, 2008 will be a kickass year.

My only thoughts otherwise.
Barlow IE fanboys are pissing me off, they knock the ripper.
Some Pyramaze fanboys who don't like the idea of matt doing 2 bands. They say things like "Pyramaze doesn't need this crap" "get rid of Barlow" "Or Pyramaze is WAY better than IE"

1. This in effect insults Pyramaze. They have the final word if Matt stays or goes, and you give them this lack of respect!?
2. Pyramaze needs a singer. Just as much as they need a keyboardist, bass, or guitar player. Micheal and the gang come up with some kickass lyrics.
3. Micheal himself once said that Pyramaze should never be compared to Iced Earth. there may be similarities, but to me the only similarity is kickass metal and now the same singer.

Clay gave an honest opinion and I won't knock his thoughts since he gave them in a respectful manner. Unfortunetly it reminded me what is going on myspace.
Thats fucked up, in my opinion. I wouldnt want to be in two majors bands. But then again, this may fit pyramaze' agenda since they dont really go on big tours and what not. Hopefully it will work itself out for the better.
I have a positive outlook on all of this. This just means there will be 2 new albums out in the semi-near future with Barlow's amazing voice over 2 different styles of equally awesome metal. JESUS, that's gonna be a hell of a year for metal, my god. And no more will Ripper destroy my favorite IE song, Dracula. :D

SHIT, I'm excited as all fuck! I'm hoping he can pull of the 2-monster-bands-at-once thing, because they both are going to sound amazing, both have a great combination of musicians (assuming the new lead guitar player in Iced Earth is any good, I've never been very impressed with any of the lead players they've had).
I am still confused as to how people keep saying "that's fucked up."

What could possibly be fucked up about Matt being in Iced Earth and Pyramaze?

Pyramaze has a low maintenance touring agenda, so Barlow being in both will not affect one or the other. Perhaps some clarity on this nonsense is in order?

It's a great thing. He has a loto f loyal fans from both camps. What's the big deal?
I have a positive outlook on all of this. This just means there will be 2 new albums out in the semi-near future with Barlow's amazing voice over 2 different styles of equally awesome metal.'s a win-win for us fans :)

It's kinda funny though...first we get the Barlow shocker at the beginning of the year with Matt's inclusion to we get a Barlow shocker at the end of the year. Maybe none of it is true and Matt is just conducting some grand experiment on how much he can truly mess with metal fans ;)'s a win-win for us fans :)

It's kinda funny though...first we get the Barlow shocker at the beginning of the year with Matt's inclusion to we get a Barlow shocker at the end of the year. Maybe none of it is true and Matt is just conducting some grand experiment on how much he can truly mess with metal fans ;)

To true... This is really badass... I feel bad for Ripper though. Poor guy, just when things started to get rolling... I hope Beyond Fear does well and or he finds another great band to fit the vocals!