Matt Barlowe leaving Iced Earth....again


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Well, there ya go, he's leaving.

I don't blame you folks who are a bit lukewarm on this band, or even dislike them, but I think of their last two albums as a crowning acheivement. Two of the better metal concept albums ever recorded - great songs, story, etc.
Apparently Barlowe will stay through the recording of the new album and the supporting festivals and dates in 2011.

Big question is, of course, who the hell will they get? Everyone will say Ripper, but I'm fairly certain that split was too full of anymosity for a reunion to happen.
Dammit! Glad I was able to see IE live with Barlow on the little mini-tour that they had last winter. Hopefully Jon doesn't decide to take on vox himself, as he did on Sons of Liberty. He's a decent vocalist, but not strong enough to carry a full Iced Earth album.
If the details I read about the split with Ripper were correct, if I were in Tim's shoes, I'd completely refuse to reunite with IE.

And most probably it's the cold hard truth. But if Jon have some brains will ask really nice the guy to come back.

If not I'm still will follow Tim to Charred Walls Of The Damned, Yngwie Malmsteen or wherever his next endeavour will be (except Beyond Fear and his solo project).
Apparently Barlowe will stay through the recording of the new album.

I never read that. I only saw this
With a new album in the works, and a world tour pending, Schaffer has already begun the search for a new vocalist

Well.. meh.. all good things come to an end and there is a massive amount of quality stuff with Matt. I expected him to be with IE for a few more years but the economic situation probably has shorten his time in the band.
This sounds like the perfect job for Urban Breed. Tad Morose was so freaking awesome but the stuff he did after with Bloodbound never really matched what TM could deliver. Urban is too talented not to be out there touring and recording.

Djöfull;9691179 said:
I never read that. I only saw this

Well.. meh.. all good things come to an end and there is a massive amount of quality stuff with Matt. I expected him to be with IE for a few more years but the economic situation probably has shorten his time in the band.

Actually, yeah, I just assumed he would be singing on the new album, since it is to be released in 2011. However, this latest news may change that. I can see how Jon would want a new guy for the new album, but I can also see how he'd want to do one last one with Matt. Hmmm....I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Any more news about the new album? Whats the concept for this one?
This sounds like the perfect job for Urban Breed. Tad Morose was so freaking awesome but the stuff he did after with Bloodbound never really matched what TM could deliver. Urban is too talented not to be out there touring and recording.


Agreed! I would love to hear Urban with Iced Earth.
I'm totally indifferent to him leaving cause he's done it before already and his return didn't bring anything to the table. As opposed to ElectricWiz I find their last two outputs to be bland, average and uninteresting in general - this ain't the shadow of once mighty IE!

Dio resurrected couldn't save them if Schaffer doesn't come up with some actually interesting music...
I thought the last two albums were very good. Main problem I had is that the vocalist change between the two albums kinda screwed up the continuity. It took me a while to come to appreciate Crucible. Jon may have stretched the concept out a little too far, as there were a couple of tracks that could have been trimmed out, but that's tolerable.
Agreed! I would love to hear Urban with Iced Earth.

Tad Morose was far from a household name, but damned if Urban isn't a monster vocalist !!! He really needs to be out there recording and performing.

I think its mean to throw poor Urban into the claws of Jon Schaeffer.

Or vice-versa. Urban is truly a nice guy, but as a professional..... different story. I am not saying he is an asshole by any means.... but he trends to take over things.

I thought the last two albums were very good. Main problem I had is that the vocalist change between the two albums kinda screwed up the continuity. It took me a while to come to appreciate Crucible. Jon may have stretched the concept out a little too far, as there were a couple of tracks that could have been trimmed out, but that's tolerable.

I do kind of like how Ripper was like the voice of man for the first half, and Barlow the voice of Set.

Hoping though that Jon picks someone new altogether, I seriously doubt he'll go the Owens route again (or if Owens would even have anything to do with IE), especially after canning him for Barlow.
Or vice-versa. Urban is truly a nice guy, but as a professional..... different story. I am not saying he is an asshole by any means.... but he trends to take over things.


And you think Jon will play along giving him enough space?, I doubt it.
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet...but Urban is currently part of PYRAMAZE. Soon to release his vocal talents on Pyramazes next release. This has my full attention and has the potential and likelihood of mastering all. Not that I'd be opposed to Urban singing for IE...but it ain't happening folks! Of course Matt Barlow sang on PYRAMAZES epic release Immortal. I think it would be quiet amusing and potentially stellar musically if Lance King (formerly Pyramaze) joined up with IE. That would bring things kinda full circle with this current vocalist merry-go-round going on. I am not the biggest IE fan...but a possible return of Ripper would surely direct my interest back towards IE.

Also. God forgive for me not realizing this earlier and getting my hands on Bloodbounds Tabula Rosa...more so Urbans performance. Great CD...Urban sounds more amazing here than ever imo.
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet...but Urban is currently part of PYRAMAZE. Soon to release his vocal talents on Pyramazes next release.

Great CD...Urban sounds more amazing here than ever imo.

Yeah, I listened to Pyramaze first two albums and even live and didn't impressed me, but with Urban I'll give a serious consideration to the material.

And yes "Tabula Rasa" it's a kick ass album.