Matthew's Offical "Bitching about his schoolwork" thread


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
Tomorrow I have:
a 1.5 h ENGG class at 8am
a 1.5 h CHEM class at 9:30 am
a 1 h MATH Lab at 11:00 am
a 3 hour ENGG midterm review seminar between 5-8pm

a Math Assignment that is due at 4pm that I have barely started
an ENGG assignment that is due at 9am friday morning that I have not started
a Physics midterm that is on Friday at 9am
A Engineering midterm that is on Saturday at 9am
A Math Midterm that is on monday at 7-9pm

Go me!!! whoo hoo!!!

These next three days are going suck the proverbial dirty monkey dong.
you're upsetting emperor plug! FEER HIS RATH

Whoo... I just got my Physics and Chem marks back

chek them out

Chem: 24/55
Phys: 43/100 (graded a D after the curve)

I'm going to fucking kill myself
Loki wrote the course outline...

apparently (according to the course outline that I recieved at the beginning of the year) I was supposed to have a physics lab today, but here's news... I didn't... that was last week, and today I had a chem lab... that means I just missed a physics lab and it seemed that everyone knew about it except for me... fuck, I'm gonna fail.
So true Guerrila... I think I'll add a clause to my will stating that if I die from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head... You get the bloody remains of my brain.