maximising inputs! mbox spdif etc


Nov 26, 2009
hey guys,
i'm new around here and new to this game, i was just wondering if theres anyway to get more than 2 inputs into one of the original mboxs. i don't seem to be able to use spdif and the analogue inputs at the same time? ie. to get 4 inputs?

is there any other way? sorry if its a stupid question..
No I don't believe you could run two units at once as Pro Tools will only utilise one piece of compatible hardware at a time. Your only options would be to upgrade hardware. I really have no clue as to how many channels you are able to run individually on the mbox as I have seen varying information on this topic in other forums.
If you just need more inputs to connect more mics etc. then you could always use a mixer and somehow connect the stereo outs to the Mbox, but this will not give you separate channels only 2 stereo ins.

EDIT: Welcome by the way.
Thanks for the reply man, and the welcome :) i figured as much, im running reaper at the moment and up until now could borrow a friends interface with 6 pre's. ah, oh well.. and yeah, i definitely want separate tracks. save my money i guess..