May 26th NYC Show

Yup, can't wait, still going with another friend, same guy I went to the Starland show with. I'll be the dude in the vinyl box set Opeth shirt.
I'll be there, can't fuckin wait!! :rock:

Hopefully they change their current setlist (not that it's bad), just missing a few killer songs :heh:
"The Leper Affinity" slayed in PA. I'd like to hear it again, but I wouldn't mind hearing "Wreath" instead. The have to play "Karma."
Just got back. We got there around 4 and sat on line for 3 hours, but it was well worth it. We got right in the middle between Mike and Fred. They played the 'new' setlist with Wreath and Karma. Karma was better than I expected, and Wreath was a lot of fun, especially the extended instrumental at the end. The sound was a lot better than the Starland show, and they played tighter than ever.

Highlights of the night this time were probably Lotus Eater and Hessian Peel. I really enjoyed Hessian more than the Starland show, and Lotus Eater just sounded so tight this time.

I took a bunch of pics again, theres a few good ones in the bunch:
Karma and Wreath were great live, and Mikael was hilarious. "I want to buy a big greasy cheeseburger, and a big greasy french fry, and a gallon of vodka, and drink while driving, to your mother's house, and shake her hand, and say, hello". I went with a friend who usually only listens to techno, and he thought the night was awesome too. We were in like the 5th "row" near the middle left. I'm surprised we actually got that close because when we were in line it was about 6:30 and there were a fuck-ton of people in front of us.
The show was fuckin amazing. Enslaved did a really good job and As Fire Swept Clean the Earth was a really awesome moment to me. It was good to see them in the crowd by the Merch table signing stuff.

Of the 3 Opeth concerts I have been to, I think this one was their best work. Godheads Lament and The Night and The Silent Water were personal favorites of mine. Overall, every song they did was pretty awesome and the crowd was really into it.

Did anyone hear the guy on the left balcony doing a death metal growl the entire time Mike was talking and during the mellow songs?
It was a good show. I just saw them in NJ on 5/1 and in NYC they replaced The Leper Affinity, Credence, & Deliverance with Wreath, Karma, & Demon of the Fall, so I felt that was kind of a downgrade.
I think they need to get rid of the Closure (with jam) & Night and the Silent Water. Both songs together provide a big lag in the show IMO.

They need to play The Moor!!!!
That guy who was growling during the soft parts of Night and the Silent Water needs to be shot, seriously way to be a dick, its disrespectful to both the fans and the band. Great show overall but, I've seen them like 6 times and they played Demon of the Fall EVERY time, its a great song but they have better closers imo.
i have never heard such a great mix of acoustics at a venue

Yeah I said the same thing when they came on. I still wonder why they didn't give us the Hammerstein Ballroom, and just threw us up on the 7th fucking floor. I literally ran up those stairs to get to the spot I was in haha.
Rumor has it that Madonna was using the Hammerstein Ballroom downstairs. Not sure if she was rehearsing, recording or what.

From where I was standing in the back the sound was VERY muddy for all of Enslaved and the first 2-3 Opeth tunes. One of the Sound engineers kept coming down to stand next to me. Every time he went back up the sound got better.

I was at the L'amours show that Mikael mentioned as their first NYC show. What a great bill, even if I didn't get home until 5AM: Nevermore/Opeth/Angel Dust/October Thorns.

I wasn't sure if I wanted Mikael to yell at that guy growling or just ignore him. It got especially annoying during the quiet passages.