Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

"In Lords of Chaos Hellhammer said "We don't like black people, this is white mans music".

:tickled: And it's even funnier coming from an Arab-looking Norwegian. :dopey:

By the way, anyone actually know this guys racial background? He certainly isn't just Norwegian.
Décadent said:
This sounds like a question for the guy who is about to interview Hellhammer!

Crap. The photoshopped picture of Hellhammer drunk is down. I was going to post it. He's drunk and pointing......and someone photoshoped a bear there saying "I love you." Quite funny......but now you can't see it...

Arrakis said:
who cares. one of the band members in every band probobly has some sort of extreme view on something. it's music, not politics

That holds true to a certain extent but a lot of Metal-heads and music fans in general take on some views from the music they listen to. I'm slightly Facist, though not on the National Socialist aspect that is associated with it and these views didn't come on me until after I started listening to Metal so who knows? I wouldn't be so down with bands singing about killing off whole races but I can understand a lot of racist view-points.
Father Belial said:
And what is wrong with NSBM anyway?

Try this to say in austria or germany and you´ll be banned from everywhere as fast as a fucking lightning... :err:
I don´t give a fuck about politics, and what some bandmembers, who I actually didn´ know, personally think also.
My opinion on NSBM is that this is a paradox declaration of music, Black Metal always was satanic, and this don´t matches with the pro-life atitude of the white power unity. In fact, you can fill books with this topic...
Music is music. There is nothing "satanic" or "racist" about any music that exists. The only thing satanic or racist about anything is the image the band promotes or the views they express in lyrics or interviews. However, I wish the pompous assholes would shut the fuck up and stop talking as if they were the inventors of music, because they most certainly are not, so they really have no place to call any kind of music satanic music.
I fully agree ^

christian/white metal sounds just like black. Except the lyrics are different. Can hardly call it satanic.

As everyone has already said: treat music or any artistic work in general separately from their creator.

Heck, listen to NSBM and think of it as promoting world peace for all I care. No-one gives 2 shits anyway.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with racismn or stereotypes, Black one's have deserved it..
Why the hell someone led them get out of Africa? I don't like them, they don't like me. I'm a racist, and proud of it.
cfh said:
Hey, there's nothing wrong with racismn or stereotypes, Black one's have deserved it..
Why the hell someone led them get out of Africa? I don't like them, they don't like me. I'm a racist, and proud of it.
and you have good reason too with the staggering population of black people in Finland
Oh boo-hoo, Hellhammer and co. might have something against yard apes, hebes and other misc muds. Who gives a shit? Liberal pussies like "Snowy" need to wake the hell up to reality or kill themselves. The fewer "PC" lemmings on this earth the better.
Im pretty sure Hellhammer and Necrobutcher are, but I dont really care since they dont have racist lyrics, and Im pretty sure they run into alot of blacks in norway
Darth Kur said:
Oh boo-hoo, Hellhammer and co. might have something against yard apes, hebes and other misc muds. Who gives a shit? Liberal pussies like "Snowy" need to wake the hell up to reality or kill themselves. The fewer "PC" lemmings on this earth the better.

hahaha i dont care about racism in metal but ever post on a controversial issue ive seen you make has led me to the conclusion that you are a colossal fucking moron

amusing though