Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

The Greys said:
:lol: ... oh come on my grammar is not that bad.

On racism. I'm a white 18 year old male in a town that is probably 98% white. The crime rate is very low and I trully believe it's because there is no blacks. Personally don't like blacks but that does not mean i'm racist, just believe the town is better because they're abscent. Black fat women especially annoy me. Can't figure out the point in rap,big clothing,etc..

It's annoying. The black culture is annoying. I like to know that me,my younger sister,everyone can walk around not having to run into blacks worrying about being jumped. Majority of blacks turn decent towns,cities into slums/shitholes. They drive with music way to loud in public places. They play rap music out of stores really loud. Blacks are really loud in public. What is with the goofy looking sport shoes and big jeans. Black peoples shoes look they're from the year 2200.

I'm not racist. It's easier for me to dismiss the culture since i'm not use to it. Most people see someone and don't like that person,people. It's not fully because their skin but genes,clothing,actions. It's just life

Live in a small town so what can I say. I'm sure there is decent blacks that don't fit culture stereotypes. I realize blacks created good things like blues but it seems like blacks now don't even know what a guitar is now.

I'm not a redneck either I simply like someone or not. I don't claim anything nor prove anything. Just another average person in the world. I see things that should be improved but never will because the world changes so fast.

I lose touch
I have some black friends, but they don't conform to the stereotypes. However, I do generally dislike stereotypical American blacks (you know, the ones that are all about basketball, hip hop, rims, etc.) This whole "black culture" is completely an American black thing. African and Caribbean blacks are generally not like that. Ironically, African blacks are more pure-blooded than American blacks, as the African American gene pool was something like 25% white during the time of WWII, and probably has become further unpure.
Darth Kur said:
^^^ Oh what a shock that you would think so. I believe in only what I can find inarguable proof of. All of the facts stated on those sites can be looked up and verified by various sources.
I've said all I'm going to say about it. If you think I'm presenting falsified evidence then make inquiries yourselves. Either that or remain forever ignorant and under the thumb of your oppressors.

Are those opressors the jews?
I wish this whole conversation would end, none of us know what we are talking about. The posts are just getting more and more ridiculous.
Darth Kur said:
^^^ Oh what a shock that you would think so. I believe in only what I can find inarguable proof of. All of the facts stated on those sites can be looked up and verified by various sources.
I've said all I'm going to say about it. If you think I'm presenting falsified evidence then make inquiries yourselves. Either that or remain forever ignorant and under the thumb of your oppressors.

A high percentage of what you read in a New York Times is based on fact as well. Its all about how you present the facts, which facts you choose not to present and the context in which they are shown. In that sense, even if the information on these sites are factual you're still getting someone's spin.

TylerTheNuke said:
intergration is the problem, not the blacks, the jews, the whites, or whatever. Think about it, black culture was just fine until we messed with it. sure, they were a couple of centuries behind, but now they are way worse.

Umm... they weren't "behind" at all, because Europeans were never ahead in the first place. Such thinking is ethnocentric and ignorant to the way things were. Do you really think the average African in a chiefdom society lived a worse life then the average commoner in an industrial European city? Not to mention socities don't evolve in a lineal fashion.

Life Sucks said:
I have some black friends, but they don't conform to the stereotypes. However, I do generally dislike stereotypical American blacks (you know, the ones that are all about basketball, hip hop, rims, etc.) This whole "black culture" is completely an American black thing. African and Caribbean blacks are generally not like that. Ironically, African blacks are more pure-blooded than American blacks, as the African American gene pool was something like 25% white during the time of WWII, and probably has become further unpure.

Yeah I more or less see things the same way. I grew up in a majority black nieghborhood and although I met many people who I really liked on a whole I found the culture to function on an unhealthy level. Lots of crime, lots of violence, and a general attitude from kids that they had no reason to succed academicly or that to do so was to be "white". I never plan on living in a majority black nieghborhood again in my life. On the whole I think African American culture really needs to reevaluate some of its basic value structures. Has anyone read the book Losing the Race by [font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=-1]John McWhorter? Very interesting read...[/size][/font]
crimsonfloyd said:
Umm... they weren't "behind" at all, because Europeans were never ahead in the first place. Such thinking is ethnocentric and ignorant to the way things were. Do you really think the average African in a chiefdom society lived a worse life then the average commoner in an industrial European city? Not to mention socities don't evolve in a lineal fashion.

hey now i was gonna post that but i was too lazy :) well put
The Greys said:
:lol: ... oh come on my grammar is not that bad.

On racism. I'm a white 18 year old male in a town that is probably 98% white. The crime rate is very low and I trully believe it's because there is no blacks. Personally don't like blacks but that does not mean i'm racist, just believe the town is better because they're abscent. Black fat women especially annoy me. Can't figure out the point in rap,big clothing,etc..

It's annoying. The black culture is annoying. I like to know that me,my younger sister,everyone can walk around not having to run into blacks worrying about being jumped. Majority of blacks turn decent towns,cities into slums/shitholes. They drive with music way to loud in public places. They play rap music out of stores really loud. Blacks are really loud in public. What is with the goofy looking sport shoes and big jeans. Black peoples shoes look they're from the year 2200.

I'm not racist. It's easier for me to dismiss the culture since i'm not use to it. Most people see someone and don't like that person,people. It's not fully because their skin but genes,clothing,actions. It's just life

Live in a small town so what can I say. I'm sure there is decent blacks that don't fit culture stereotypes. I realize blacks created good things like blues but it seems like blacks now don't even know what a guitar is now.

I'm not a redneck either I simply like someone or not. I don't claim anything nor prove anything. Just another average person in the world. I see things that should be improved but never will because the world changes so fast.

I lose touch
Thanks the Greys. Your white suburban teenage worldview is truly compelling.
crimsonfloyd said:
Umm... they weren't "behind" at all, because Europeans were never ahead in the first place. Such thinking is ethnocentric and ignorant to the way things were. Do you really think the average African in a chiefdom society lived a worse life then the average commoner in an industrial European city? Not to mention socities don't evolve in a lineal fashion.

Well, I was thinking technologically, which is a main argument racists use. I know that in some terms, it could be argued that europeans were the ones behind. But its the same point as with races, even if both societies/races weren't perfectly equal, it doesn't matter. They are all perfectly fine until we try to force unwilling people to intergrate. We shouldn't frown so much if people want to form more exclusive communities, if it gets rid of so many of our other problems. :erk: , I am coming across all wrong probably. I don't mean to argue for segregation, that was not equal ground, just as this isn't. Trying to force intergration causes segregation, I want to allow complete seperation as well as intergration. let the people who can handle living in an intergrated society do so, and let the ones who can't do so do their own thing. I live in a midwestern town, and we hardly ever have any minorities. If there are a few, we don't mind, it like we just treat them normal, but if we were 50% black, then neither group wants to conform or hang out with the other and it is like trying to mix oil and vinegar, it just won't work. sorry, :err:, I am probably just ranting incomprhensibly and noone has any clue what I am trying to say. Just ignore this whole post :D
Why, just simply fucking why, cant people understand that race and culture are two completely different things? If a stereotypical american black family with African-American culture adopts a white child, we get a wigger. The urban stories about genetical differences between races are fucking bullshit. No one has ever proven shit. There are nothing but theories that lack the facts, and the way they back up their theories is "look around you, my pals are stupid", but then again LETS NOT FUCKING FORGET THE REAL FACTOR: CULTURE.

Im not into 100% toleration of everything. Sure, if someone speaks like a wigger, il tolerate him. If someone likes to wear stupid pants and stupid clothing, il tolerate him since the majority would say the same thing about my leather jacket. But if someone starts to beat up old people and sell crack to 9-year old kids, thats where the toleration stops. Nevertheless, i would never ever come to the conclusion that some behaviour is due to your origin. Yeah, its pretty much like id come and say "Only blonde-haired people rock! Blond aryans! Black hair is niggerish, deströy the black haired wannabe aryans goddammit!!!!!". And its exactly like that.
I do understand hatred towards a culture, or a dislike. For an example, i hate arabian culture and i dislike the hiphop culture(depending what you mean by hiphop culture. If looking fucking stupid is hiphop culture, then i dislike it. If it includes acting like a fucking retard and harming others, then i hate it).

Seriously, why is race always an issue? Which is more my pals to you, Terrance Hobbs or Eminem?

And yeah, lets all remember that Pyrus is a jew. He acts very un-jew, so why is there no conflict here? What, no babbling about how thrash and jews dont belong together?
BlackMetalTyrant said:
You are a fucking idiot. First off I live in a town with a low crime rate and a decent number of blacks, the reason, its a high income area. The less money=The more crime. If you personally dont like blacks and you think they are inferior that makes you a racist. A general dislike, prejudice, and mentality of a race being lower than another is the definition of racist , but apparently your down syndrome prevents you from realizing that. You can't figure out the point of rap and big clothing? Alot of black people probably can't figure out the point of Metal, and Abercrombie and Fitch and other things associated with white people.

It seems however that a majority of lower class criminals happen to be Blacks. There's plenty of low-class White neighborhoods around here and plenty of low-class Black neighborhoods around here, the Black ones have a much higher percentage of crime rates. Is it because they're Black? Yes and no. The government and the worthless politically correct society of today makes all the minority groups believe they're under-priveledged and they have to act the part, thus causing many Black people to act "Black" which is usually based on some bullshit rapper stereo-type about selling drugs and being a "tough-guy" and knocking up every women on the block. If White people were in the same place I believe it would be the Whites that were the problem and not vice-versa but it's not the Whites and that's the point.

Humanity is weak and pathetic, especially in todays "modern and free" world and they will continue to act the part. Keep up with the political correct bullshit and you're only adding to the problem. Call me racist, I really don't care. You can defend the minority groups all that you want but that doesn't stop the fact that the statistics don't weigh in their favor at all.
EternalEnemy said:
Why, just simply fucking why, cant people understand that race and culture are two completely different things? If a stereotypical american black family with African-American culture adopts a white child, we get a wigger. The urban stories about genetical differences between races are fucking bullshit. No one has ever proven shit. There are nothing but theories that lack the facts, and the way they back up their theories is "look around you, my pals are stupid", but then again LETS NOT FUCKING FORGET THE REAL FACTOR: CULTURE.

Did you know that Africans are genetically more likely to develop sickle-cell anemia then Whites? How's that for genetic differance?
smågoth said:
Ive heard Hellhammer once said, why not torch mosques instead of churches. I dont find that rasist at all. For the first time in milleniums, we`re starting to live without the straightjacket of religion, but at the same time import huge number of people who are stuck in the middle ages. This has nothing to do with racism, but its dislike of backwards cultures. Color dont mean shit, but archaic belief systems do.

I think that was Samoth who said that although I could be mistaken.

Hellhammer also said that Black Metal was White People's music and some of the Black Metal "super-stars" like Darkthrone have published their albums with stuff like "True Aryan Black Metal" on their CD covers. I don't have a problem with it, but to say that Black Metal isn't in one way or another related to racism in certain aspects (not just NSBM) is ignorant.
ProjectedBlack said:
Did you know that Africans are genetically more likely to develop sickle-cell anemia then Whites? How's that for genetic differance?

Thats not the point. The point is that there has never been any convincing evidence, at least as far as I've seen, that one race is inherently less mentally developed then another. From what I've seen an intelligent black is just as capable as comprhending an advanced math problem as an intelligent white, Asian or other.
Did you know that Africans are genetically more likely to develop sickle-cell anemia then Whites? How's that for genetic differance?

Im not saying that there arent any genetical differences, what im saying is that the nazi-theories about the genetical differences are fucking bullshit.

To agree with two recent posts:

The point is that there has never been any convincing evidence, at least as far as I've seen, that one race is inherently less mentally developed then another.

The government and the worthless politically correct society of today makes all the minority groups believe they're under-priveledged and they have to act the part, thus causing many Black people to act "Black" which is usually based on some bullshit rapper stereo-type about selling drugs and being a "tough-guy" and knocking up every women on the block. If White people were in the same place I believe it would be the Whites that were the problem and not vice-versa but it's not the Whites and that's the point.

Kind of. Its just the culture and habits and all that bullshit. Government, or something else. Rap maybe?

Youre not bound to a culture by your origin. You dont have a culture in your "blood". Im finnish and i hate saunas.