Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

To add if someone does not get it yet, im not judging hatred towards a culture. Im only judging ignorant hatred/beliefs about races.

By the way, i know a guy whos biological father has killed an old woman by strangling and shot a guy with a shotgun, and he is in wheelchair for the rest of his life(the guy that got shot). His biological mother forgot him in a child carrier when he was little. It was -20 degrees.

So, he has grown up with different parent. And he is one of the nicest guys i know, so genetics are a bit overrated.

Why cant people just hate all the assholes and not everyone in a race? I mean ive never met a nice gypsy, and the gypsies here are fucking annoying. And still its just because of culture. Sure, i hate them, but only for the cultures sake.
crimsonfloyd said:
I'm still waiting for someone to post a scientific report on the inherent mental inferiority of blacks to whites...

They're not mentally inferior though they may have some mental advantages and disadvantages. You called out on genetic differences between races and your point was disproven. It is a well known fact that different races have different attributes all attributed to their genetics. As far as I'm concered the African people are just as capable as whites but African American and African culture is ridiculously fucked up, I have a few Black friends here and there but none of them are "Black" if you can understand my meaning. I harbor a serious dislike towards their culture, however, I am not discounting any person of African descent simply because of their skin-color.
superiority/inferiority is besides the point. We are all people, and we should leave it that. So what if you are smarter or stronger then someone? You discount their culture, but where would metal be without the blues? All of the cultures have made achievments and have a right to be proud, but turning this pride into hatred is going too far.
ProjectedBlack said:
They're not mentally inferior though they may have some mental advantages and disadvantages. You called out on genetic differences between races and your point was disproven.

I never said anything of the sort. If you are too daft to comprehend what I was getting at then really I can't be bothered to discuss this with you.
I think the true nature of the negro is being expressed en-masse in New Orleans at this very moment. At the slightest opportunity blacks will revert to the "way of the jungle", lawlessness and savagery. There has not been one single white looter observed. While taking food, water and needed item's for survival through the crisis is understandable it is not these item's that these negro's, cop's included mind you, are stealing, it's TV's, jewelry, cases of alcohol and other expensive non-survival items. Meanwhile whites are seen helping others and performing constructive activities. At the same time blacks are besieging a Children's Hospital!!!! Look it up if you do not believe me.
I would think even all of the liberal minded "PC" fools can not even refute such blatant act's of barbarity and civil unrest on part of the blacks and mestizos.
This is a preview of thing's to come in a town near you in the foreseeable future.
Wow, your blinders work very well. Apparantly you haven't watched enough coverage, because they have shown whites looting as well, acting just as savage and barbaric. Also, don't forget the fact that the media doesn't like to show whites in a bad light. For example, on the Yahoo news page, there's an image of a black man "looting" food from a grocery store, and then another image of a white couple "finding" food in a grocery store. Hypocrisy. It just so happens that blacks tend to live in areas together, so you're not likely to see a bunch of whites mixed in with the black looters when there's no whites there to begin with.
Darth Kur said:
I think the true nature of the negro is being expressed en-masse in New Orleans at this very moment. At the slightest opportunity blacks will revert to the "way of the jungle", lawlessness and savagery. There has not been one single white looter observed. While taking food, water and needed item's for survival through the crisis is understandable it is not these item's that these negro's, cop's included mind you, are stealing, it's TV's, jewelry, cases of alcohol and other expensive non-survival items. Meanwhile whites are seen helping others and performing constructive activities. At the same time blacks are besieging a Children's Hospital!!!! Look it up if you do not believe me.
I would think even all of the liberal minded "PC" fools can not even refute such blatant act's of barbarity and civil unrest on part of the blacks and mestizos.
This is a preview of thing's to come in a town near you in the foreseeable future.
This world is so corrupt
Darth Kur said:
I would think even all of the liberal minded "PC" fools can not even refute such blatant act's of barbarity and civil unrest on part of the blacks and mestizos.

Ever heard of what happened in the Congo? Or California? Yeah I think there are more then enough examples of whites comitting blantent acts of barbarity.
It's a matter of ratio, plain and simple. And Dodens, you could not be more incorrect. The media goes out of it's way to hide black on white crimes and on the other had portray the negro as a "poor oppressed victim". Frankly I'm shocked that the scenes of looting are being broadcast at all. I guess they didn't have a choice in the matter since it's so rampant and widespread. Why don't you take YOUR blinders off and remove the earplugs that have been both provided to you by the corrupt media?

A few stats: (This is NOT racist propaganda, just simple mathematical FACTS.)

Blacks murder more than 1,600 whites each year.
Blacks murder whites at 18 times the rate whites murder blacks.
Blacks murdered, raped, robbed, or assaulted about one million whites in 1992.
In the last 30 years, blacks committed 170 million violent and non-violent crimes against whites.
Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than whites under 18.
About 90% of the victims of interracial crimes are white.
Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than whites, although whites outnumber blacks by 7 to 1.
On a per capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crime than whites.
Black neighborhoods are 35 times more violent than white neighborhoods.
Of the 27 million nonviolent robberies in 1992, 31% (8.4 million) were committed by blacks against whites. Less than 2% were committed by whites against blacks.
Of the 6.6 million violent crimes, 20% (1.3 million) were interracial.
Of the the 1.3 million interracial violent crimes, 90% (1.17 million) are black against white.
In the past 20 years, violent crime increased four times faster than the population.
In the last 30 years (1964-94), more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders compared to 38,000 killed in Korea and 58,000 in Vietnam
For example, on the Yahoo news page, there's an image of a black man "looting" food from a grocery store, and then another image of a white couple "finding" food in a grocery store. Hypocrisy.

Note also that one of the images is from AP and the other is from some other news source. It is unreasonable to conclude racial prejudice, since they are from two different news sources.

The point is that there has never been any convincing evidence, at least as far as I've seen, that one race is inherently less mentally developed then another.

I'm sure you dismiss the Bell Curve as racist propaganda. Think about it this way, what happens when a sociologist decides, "hey, let's study intelligence level of whites compared to that of blacks." How much government funding do you think he'll get? I don't blame him for fearing to even bring up the topic with his financial benefactors. There's an interesting article about the mental capacity of Jews compared to other races, I think this is the site:
I got lost back on the 2nd page somewhere......but hey, it's 3:30 am, and I got school tomorrow!.......but yeah, most black people are racist as FUCK. this is IMO, I think that the percentage of racist black people is higher than white people

here's something to think about:
they're called "fingers", yet they dont "fing" :confused:
Darth Kur said:
Do us all a favor, you goofy looking twat, whenever you feel the urge to make some moronic statement such as above, chose to shut the fuck up instead.
lol resorting to image insults? are we that desperate?

just a side note....I think she's hot....but that's just one man's opinion :Spin:
Iridium said:
Note also that one of the images is from AP and the other is from some other news source. It is unreasonable to conclude racial prejudice, since they are from two different news sources.

Not if one is making a general statement on the US media rather then on a specific newspaper.

Iridium said:
I'm sure you dismiss the Bell Curve as racist propaganda. Think about it this way, what happens when a sociologist decides, "hey, let's study intelligence level of whites compared to that of blacks." How much government funding do you think he'll get? I don't blame him for fearing to even bring up the topic with his financial benefactors. There's an interesting article about the mental capacity of Jews compared to other races, I think this is the site:

Yeah thats definitley true about the government not giving research money for an expiriment like that. But it still seems like some independent study group would have done something by now, if nothing else there should be some older studies which could be referrenced. That site is subscription olny- if you'd like to paste the artcile here, then I'll read it.