
I saw Mayhem live one year ago, I was pretty interested in their story. Kinda weird when your bass player kills your guitarist in the middle of making a record, isn´t it. Interesting to read the interview you find online :) anyway live they´re pretty bizzare, though they suck musicalwise, but I´ve heard some of the records and it doesn´t sound that bad.
I also have a picture with their nowadays singer (the original one killed himself OR got killed by their drummer, no one knows really).
i actually had the magazine with an interview of euoronymous and varns(cant remember his name,anyways they all seemed pretty good friends there lol,then about a month later i hear that varns killed euronymous,i didnt mind a couple of mayhem and burzum tunes actually.
mrthrax said:
i actually had the magazine with an interview of euoronymous and varns(cant remember his name,anyways they all seemed pretty good friends there lol,then about a month later i hear that varns killed euronymous,i didnt mind a couple of mayhem and burzum tunes actually.

His name was Varg (means wolf). His given name was Kristian Vikernes, then changed it to Varg Vikernes, then once again he changed his surname to Quisling. (Vidkun Quisling was a norwegian nazi traitor who led Norway under the nazis!)
As far as I know he´s changed his name once again, but can´t remember to what....

Their second vocalist, Dead, shot himself in the head with a shotgun after having slit his wrists, back in 1991.

Maniac, the original vocalist disappeared after the first album, Deathcrush (1987), only to reappear in the mid ´90s.

After Dead died (sic!), Attila Csihar from Tormentor (Hungary), came in and sang on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.

Maniac came back, and did Wolf´s Lair Abyss, Grand Declaration Of War, and Chimera. He got kicked out during the tour following Chimera.

Now, Attila is back for a second stint....

Btw. if Varg hadn´t killed Euronymous, Euronymous would´ve killed Varg, most of the people in the inner circle in Norse BM agree on.
Varg was a right wing believer in Norse mythology while Euronymous was a communist/marxist.
They also had differences over money, (Euronymous had a part in putting out the first Burzum album (Vargs band)), and they were both struggling to become the 'leader' of this inner circle!

Varg would´ve been out of prison on parole by now, if it wasn´t for his stupid stunt, trying to escape to Sweden by hijacking a car, and heading for the mountains, while on a weekend leave from prison....
I dont get it.This is one fucked up story and I've heard about it many times....but why was no-one jailed for this?!
Thrash fiend said:
I dont get it.This is one fucked up story and I've heard about it many times....but why was no-one jailed for this?!

Varg was sentenced to 21 years for the murder and 2 church arsons...

He was allowed to have a keyboard in his cell, that´s why he could keep making Burzum records. But now, after his attempt to escape, he´s been put in a maximum security prison with all the tough guys, and no keyboard!
Wasn't Attila also in another band - I want to say it was Nepasth? I probably sold it on eBay not long ago, but I know I had a CD that had Attila as vocalist of the band. (I think I also still have Mayhem's "U.S. Legions" disc - that was one you only needed to listen to once.)

I never really got into the death metal scene - there were a few bands I liked, but never got into them like I did the classic metal bands. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
dailyvault said:
Wasn't Attila also in another band - I want to say it was Nepasth? I probably sold it on eBay not long ago, but I know I had a CD that had Attila as vocalist of the band. (I think I also still have Mayhem's "U.S. Legions" disc - that was one you only needed to listen to once.)

I never really got into the death metal scene - there were a few bands I liked, but never got into them like I did the classic metal bands. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

What´s death metal to do with it? Mayhem is/was black metal!

Attila handled the vocals in Tormentor, he´s the main man in Aborym + some strange ambient project that Í can´t remember the name of.
Don´t know if he´s been in Nephasth.... But I do know he´s been in jail in Italy for trying to smuggle cocaine to Italy. :D
Miltbrand said:
Varg would´ve been out of prison on parole by now, if it wasn´t for his stupid stunt, trying to escape to Sweden by hijacking a car, and heading for the mountains, while on a weekend leave from prison....

Let me get this straight. In Norway(?) you can go to jail for murder but get to go on weekend leaves? That's comforting.
tattooedsean666 said:
mayhem is a killer band but it is a good thing to see attilla as singer now again as maniac tried to hard to be a drunken rock star onstage.

Attilla is back? Really? I didn´t know about it...
jdelpi said:
Let me get this straight. In Norway(?) you can go to jail for murder but get to go on weekend leaves? That's comforting.

Don´t know the excact terms in Norway, but I think they´re pretty similar to the Danish.
In Denmark the normal max. sentence for a murder in the 1. degree is 16 years.
(The guy who´s been in jail the longest around here, was a guy who shot 4 cops with a machine gun. He got out a couple of years ago after 33 years :guh: )
The great part, if you´re a criminal, is that you normally only serve 2/3 of the sentence. (15 = 10 years)
If you behave well in prison, and if the authorities think you´re not too dangerous or a flight risk, after a few years you can leave prison for a day or two to visit family and stuff like that, every 6 months I think. To start with, you are accompanied by a guard, but later you get to go out on your own.

Every year you hear about people who´ve done robberies while on leave.... Totally insane!

Our laws are a wee bit too soft, if you ask me...