100 most metal moments....


I hate wiener dogs. Dreadful creatures.
Mar 3, 2004
Tulsa, Ok
I know its a Inflames forum but I was just wondering if anybody had been watching the hundred most metal moments on VH1. Mayhem and GORGOROTH actually made it on there, its unbelievable though that Mayhem was 69 on the list and the guy from RATM climbing that damn metal tree thing at the awards show beat them out. They kinda made it very clear that they know nothing of the black metal scene, when they called Mayhem a death metal band and said there wasnt a big scene in Norway. The Manowar thing was cool though. Im a big Manowar fan. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! Anybody think of anything that should have been on the list that didnt make it? I guess if someone gets pissed at me for posting then sorry , just thought Id see if anyone had watched some of it. This one goes to 11.
I think Tim C. doing that shit right in the middle of a goddamn MTV show was way more metal than Varg's stabbing Euronymous. Or whatever the "metal moment" was.
Was Not Metal Nor Could Ever Be Considered Metal. The Act May Be Of Metal Nature But I Dont Think It Should Of Beat Out Mayhem Because Mayhem Helped Start The Whole Fucking Black Metal Thing With The Church Burnings And Killing And Shit. Now To Me Thats Alot More Extreme Then Climbing A Giant Metal Palm Tree. Its Funny But Not Really As Shocking I Think. But To Each His Own And Thanks For Replying.
Was Not Metal Nor Could Ever Be Considered Metal. The Act May Be Of Metal Nature But I Dont Think It Should Of Beat Out Mayhem Because Mayhem Helped Start The Whole Fucking Black Metal Thing With The Church Burnings And Killing And Shit. Now To Me Thats Alot More Extreme Then Climbing A Giant Metal Palm Tree. Its Funny But Not Really As Shocking I Think. But To Each His Own And Thanks For Replying.WEARING BRAIN MATTER AS A NECKLACE SEEMS WAY MORE BRUATL THEN CLIMBING A TREE. SORRY I THOUGHT I HIT EDIT.
That Was A Big Stretch Just Showing That Im Sure. Also If Led Zepplin Was On There How Come Keith Moon Of The Who Putting Dynamite In His Drum And Blowing It Up Didnt Making It On There.or Did It And I Just Missed It? Cause You Cant Tell Me That The Who Arent Just As Metal As Zepplin.
I don't see any of those as big metal moments to be honest, I'm not even a Black Metal fan.
Biggest metal moment in history was St.Anger. Oh yeah :cool:
Is St Anger A Metal Moment? Im Must Know Your Reasoning And Logic On This One. Please, Im So Confused By That And Yet Im Laughing Hysterically At The Same Time. Thats Like Saying The First Disturbed Album Was Revolutionary.
Rick Allen losing his arm was like number 7... where THE FUCK WAS THE DEATH OF CLIFF BURTON...... WHAT ABOUT RANDY RHOADS?? losing two metal legends in tragedies are a lot more metal than how many women gene simmons fucked or some story about the homos in motley crue

Vh1 has fucking AIDS
Stygian16 said:
Rick Allen losing his arm was like number 7... where THE FUCK WAS THE DEATH OF CLIFF BURTON...... WHAT ABOUT RANDY RHOADS?? losing two metal legends in tragedies are a lot more metal than how many women gene simmons fucked or some story about the homos in motley crue

Vh1 has fucking AIDS
Those were tragic events but Im not sure I see them as metal moments. To me the metal moments were events that come to mind when you think of heavy metal music. Its moments where you say to yourself, "thats heavy fuckin metal!" I really dont see how the napster case fits that. To me thats something that the world just cant let go
Napster Thing Was Such Bullshit. I Like Motley Crue Though And Skid Row And Fucking Wasp. But I Dont Think Crue Deserved Like 6 Spots On The Countdown Also Gnr Geeze They Were Like On Every Show Twice.
Is St Anger A Metal Moment? Im Must Know Your Reasoning And Logic On This One. Please, Im So Confused By That And Yet Im Laughing Hysterically At The Same Time. Thats Like Saying The First Disturbed Album Was Revolutionary.
Glad to see your wit is in check.
There's nothing like a bunch of kids talking about the Mayhem "metal moment" at school acting as if they know everything that happened. God, fuck the TV.
FUCK THAT. THANKS VHI. Actually it was cool to see it but your right now kids are gonna think they are so up on the metal scene because they know of mayhem and gorgoroth.