In N Out 3x3 animal style.

Best burger ever.
Too bad they don't have em here.:Smug:

ever had backyard burger?

you guys don't even know, hands down the fatest but more importantly the fucking best tasting burger EVER


^ this. gentlemen, is what dreams are made of
Love their burgers but their fries are horrible. Yes,its a west coast thing, when I lived in Vegas I used to go there once a week. Double Double with no onions sounds so good right now

First one I went to was in Vegas. I swear that was the fastest I've ever eaten a burger. I killed a 3x3 before my buddies even got ketchup.
How good are Carls Jr. Burgers there?? i think they are called Hardys right? here is Carls Jr., and they are fucking awesome!!
Sounds like an alternate "McGangBang."

The original:

Double cheeseburger, place McChicken patty between beef(:lol:) patties.

I just read a quote that sums this up:

"It's kind of like having a threesome with two ugly chicks. While it's happening you're stoked, because hey threesome!!! But once you're finished it kinda sinks in about what you've done."
I accepted a dare from a friend several months ago to tackle The Quad from Burger King (Hungry Jacks here in Oz). 4 meat patties, 4 pieces of cheese, 1 or 2 pieces of bacon/ham, and bbq sauce...
in a meal.
Like a glutton for punishment, I re-accepted the challenge weeks later and tackled 2 quads and a drink. I immediately regretted accepting that challenge because it was midday and we still had a few jobs left to do for the day........ puke.
In-N-Out Burgers actually exist? I thought they just made them up in "The Big Lebowski" :lol:

in & out burger most definitely is real

and, as donnie said, they do have really damned good burgers

+1 on the animal style...holy shit that's good

animal style fries are beyond awesome when you're drunk/high/whatever, too
McChandwich: McChicken + McDouble... both off the dollar menu.. stack with slice of bun on bottom, middle, and top. OR Wendys version: Jr Bacon Cheesburger + Crispy Chicken sandwhich... same rules apply. it change your life.

that is, if you live to see the next day :)
^ now that burger is the biggest lie ever. They never look like that in real life.

u fuckers have no hope in competing with my town. Behold the "scooby burger" as publicised through the whole UK and available in only my village takeaway :heh::


2500 cal in that bad boy. If u finish it in the shop you get a free can of diet coke to wash it down with. :lol: