Meaning of "First in last out overthrown" (What Doesn't Die lyrics)


Feb 13, 2002
Does anybody know what the phrase in the title mean?
Here is my guess: I've heard this song is about Vatican, so the phrase could mean that religion (or believing in something) is something that have accompanied mankind from its beginning (=it's been "enthroned" in that time") and will end (=will be "overthrown") with its extinction. Does it make any sense with the other lyrics?

Does anybody know what the phrase in the title mean?
Here is my guess: I've heard this song is about Vatican, so the phrase could mean that religion (or believing in something) is something that have accompanied mankind from its beginning (=it's been "enthroned" in that time") and will end (=will be "overthrown") with its extinction. Does it make any sense with the other lyrics?


Long see, Jack. I think you are spot on, with your observation. But who knows?
Might as well be. The whole thing is about Catholic church.

Long time no see as well, how about a beer! I'll text you.
Hey guys, I've been trying to understand some lines from What Doesn't Die lyrics for 7 years but without success. Would you be willing to help me? If you would, I'd be grateful!
First in last out overthrown has alreayd been explained.
Here goes the second line:

it's been picked clean to the bone

I have no idea. Do you think IT refers to the first line (believing in something / Catholic church)?