
Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001


The High Efficiency Survival Beverage

The product comes in a variety of colors and flavors to satisfy any palate. And whether you seek simple nutrition or serious energy enhancement, MeatWater delivers!

You are an active, attractive, successful person. So you're constantly searching for more effective, more efficient ways to perform the simplest tasks – especially eating! Protein shakes, energy drinks, powerbars are all ways people seek to get nutrients without spending all the time that eating requires. MeatWater addresses this impulse by creating a product in the marketplace that fulfills the desire for streamlined sustenance while embracing your inner carnivore.

We give you MEATwater!

Even though the product in question is pretty gross by most objective standards of taste, the salesmanship inherent in the presentation of the packaging and the product shows how easily desire can be manufactured.

And if you want more the Flavor Contest on enables the client to say it out loud: “I’d rather be drinking Meatwater” and pick hers/ his own personal flavor.
Just pop the bottle and dinner is served!

What is the secret of Meatwater Protein?

We at Meatwater use only the finest Protein, it is an organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. One of the main functions of protein is to synthesize structural proteins like muscle. Protein is also responsible for synthesizing structural hormones like insulin, growth hormone and Insulin Growth Factor I. These are anabolic hormones that can influence many functions in the body, including muscle growth, recovery, strength and absorption of nutrients into your muscle cells, immunity from disease and last but not least the increase of memory.

For the purpose of practice and general family fun, we the people from Meatwater give you the chance to upgrade your personal memory by playing the online edition of the Meatwater genuine memory in the game section of

Be smart in your training and pay close attention to your protein sources and times of ingestion.

Walk, don't run and brush your teeth before you go to bed.
By drinking Meatwater you can cut down on exercising as well as eating time, and you will be able to find more time to enjoy yourself.

Krautkramer’s Meatwater surfaced first as a sponsor of and soon became the number one beverage of choice around the artists studio.

Drink responsively, stay hydrated, but remember always to Sponsor responsibly!!!