Mechanix or The Four Horsemen

Mechanix, I like Metallica a looooooooooot more than Megadeth, but anyone that says that Horsemen is better is being a silly fanboy :p

And the whole Dave vs Kirk thing, all I can say is that Kirk was an awesome player until Justice, listen to the solo in the Seattle dvd, AMAAAAZING!!! Then the wah came in... and now all his solos sound the same, he uses the same shapes all the time and gets REALLY boring, I don't know much about Dave's solos, but they ones I've heard are just ok, nothing special, they're good and enjoyable but nothing outstanding like One, or Master of Puppets.

So to sum it up
Kirk now: Just plays because he's in the band and has to do it without caring for the music.
Dave now: Enjoys what he does and cares for the music, he tries to make it fresh and interesting.
Kirk now: Just plays because he's in the band and has to do it without caring for the music.
Are you mad? Are you actually inside his head? Thats something for him to decide, not you. They're just not as good now, it is that simple. But you can see they enjoy playing live so much. And they wouldnt do these massive tours if they didnt love it. Im not being one sided here or anything but that seems like a silly thing to say.
Are you mad? Are you actually inside his head? Thats something for him to decide, not you. They're just not as good now, it is that simple. But you can see they enjoy playing live so much. And they wouldnt do these massive tours if they didnt love it. Im not being one sided here or anything but that seems like a silly thing to say.

Ok yeah maybe I went a bit too far :lol: But I do think that he doesn't try to play anything new, every solo in Death Magnetic sounds very common to me, like if he was just improvising in every song, nothing I haven't heard from him before. I think he just played solos because everyone wanted him to play solos.
The same goes for Lars, every song is just bass snare bass snare bass snare, but that's another story :lol:
Why does it always end up to fight about Megadeth or Metallica being better? Can't you people just like both or like just one but shut up aobut the other one? Its stupid...
Why does everytime a Metallica Vs. Megadeth discussion happens someone has to come and say that we should like both or shut up about th other? It's stupid.
^ Thank you!

Its been said on here before that the internet never needs a discussionlike this ever again. No matter how funny it can be, it does grate (yes, I'm aware I partook in the discussion myself, its what I do)
Yeah I'm sure there was a thread on here a few months ago about the ye olde "Megadeth vs Metallica" and if I remember correctly everyone agreed to disagree. So please SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THIS.... I think we're all aware of where each of us stand, can't we direct this hate towards something shit? Like Vintage Guitars? (the make not actual vintage guitars)
And burnt tortillas


:mad: I hate 'em :mad: