Medication Question (attn: preppy?)


Skirt Wizard
Jul 31, 2002
Boston nee San Diego
I've been taking Celexa of and on for several years. More on than off recently. My doctor just prescribed me for Wellbutrin to quit smoking. I've been taking them both simultaneously. My doctor sucks and just wants to get me out the door with the minimum amount of chitchat. Today I feel like I'm going to bazooka barf. Could this med mixing be at fault?
there's no dangerous interaction between either of these drugs. but wellbutrin can cause a side effect of agitation and nausea. how many mg are you taking? 100? give it a few days, the side effect may wear off. otherwise, try to take them 6 hours apart. wellbutrin can also make your skin break out pretty bad.
is there an herb or something (not marijuana) that calms the nerves, anyone?

see, I ate too much for lunch, so I feel as though I've been worked on by a taxidermist; one of my cube mates has been snorting up wads of snot and honking up platelets of plegm and it is really getting on my nerves. plus my lead is named Emerald McClaherty even though she is not Irish, she's some kind of hispanic, and my supervisor keeps bugging me about some bullshit customer service surveys. plus the cubemate who is carrying these flesh eating virusii is listening to the same country CD over and over again, it's like being trapped in a never ending stetson-wearing lilith faire.

thank you all for listening. any suggestions will be mucho appreciado.
it totally is. just make sure the first few times you take it is about an hour before bed, in case it really hits you. different people react differently. and check the contraindications on that website first!
it doesnt taste so hot, so the tea really isn't that much fun. you could probably find it at gnc even, it's at most healthfood stores. i've mostly seen people take the capsules. or you could order it online through that site i posted up there.
FalseTodd said:
I've been taking Celexa of and on for several years.
Don't you have strong withdrawl form that? From what I've heard if you miss it a day or two it's awful, worse than meth withdrawl (according to a friend)
Um, well I've never withdrawn from meth, so I have no point of comparison, but I get very very few withdrawal effects. The "re-introduction" effects get a big annoying, and include mild nausea, nic-fit like feeling, jaw clenching, and mild sexual side effects.
it depends on a person also, whether or not they react to abrupt changes in medications. some people can't even handle stopping prozac for a day. other people can come off of xanax without a problem.
ack, coming off any SSRI is pretty horrible.

a few years back, i went off prozac after having been on it for around 4 years, and it was NOT fun. but then again, i've heard that you're supposed to wean yourself off it slowly - my doctor just made me stop taking it cold turkey! oopsie!
holy shit yes you're supposed to wean yourself off of. totally. your doctor totally put you at risk! it gets way worse for some people than others though. definitely.