Meeting the Band


Project Genocide
Hey, i was just wondering if Anthrax would be meeting any of the fans before/after the show and if they are, how do you go about meeting them and would they be willing to get in a picture with me? I'd really dig meeting these old school thrashers. I'll be going to the show at The Grand in San Francisco on the 29th (happy halloween :grin: ) so anyway, i hope to thrash it up with ya all if i see ya at the show

Turks said:
Hey, i was just wondering if Anthrax would be meeting any of the fans before/after the show and if they are, how do you go about meeting them and would they be willing to get in a picture with me? I'd really dig meeting these old school thrashers. I'll be going to the show at The Grand in San Francisco on the 29th (happy halloween :grin: ) so anyway, i hope to thrash it up with ya all if i see ya at the show

I will be there also i have some stuff for them to sign.... :Smokedev: so i guess there will be 2 of us from the bay area:flame:Mr Wu Chime in please?????:notworthy
just hang around outside. they always make an effort to meet fans and sign stuff.
just don't ask scott if his signature looks like "satan" when he sign your CD - he didn't find it at all funny when i asked him that... LOL
Meeting bands isn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be, and NO, I am not just saying that cuz I'm a girl..bands come in...they have to go out. It's that simple. Stake out the exits! If you are farmiliar w/ the venue, and you had no luck at one door before, try another door. I've found that Anthrax doesn't try to hide from fans and usually waits for everyone to meet them before they take off. I will honestly say, that out of all the bands I've met, and it's been a lot, that they are tied with type o negative for being the nicest people ever! Good luck to you! You'll meet em I'm sure!!
Jerry Only from the Misfits is up there. After each show he will sign everybodys stuff. I have seen him hang around for a couple of hours signing shit for the fans. Anthrax is very cool about it too, always has.

Pink_Metal said:
I will honestly say, that out of all the bands I've met, and it's been a lot, that they are tied with type o negative for being the nicest people ever! Good luck to you! You'll meet em I'm sure!!