Megadeth - 13

Yeah? Since the first time I heard the album I thought it was striking how similar the two albums are in sound and production.
*Shrug* Sounds different to me, Endgame seems a little too clean/stale to me, I find TH1RT3EN to have a bit more character, so to speak. But maybe that's just me.
I like TH1RT3EN, but I like all releases the Megadeth has put out, with the huge exception of Risk. I think TH1RT3EN has to grow on me. Endgame was amazing as was United Abominations. Again,it has to grow on me.
I can't believe how people are talking about "cheesy" lyrics. 90% of all music in history has been cheesy. So he wrote a song about driving in a fast lane. It's Megadeth. Anything without Daves political rants are fine by me. And besides, musically it's a great song. The verse riff just crushes.

This is heavy metal. Bands wear leather. It's not supposed to be a book by Dostoyevski.
This is heavy metal. Bands wear leather. It's not supposed to be a book by Dostoyevski.

I agree with you. Unless it's open bigotry, racism or senseless hatred, I don't care at all about lyrics.

The music on the other hand has to be good, same with the vocalist (which lately is my main turn-off when it comes to a band).

Nevertheless if a person care about lyrics in metal, I always recommend Skyclad. Martin Walkyier had written among the best lyrics in English language.
I really liked this album, it kinda reminded me of a mixture between Youthanasia and Countdown to Extinction. Although I liked Endgame much better, it was more brutal, especially Head Crusher. I also didn't mind the redone versions of Black Swan or Sudden Death, which is solo-riffic. While this album certainly isn't their best you kinda have to keep in mind that they were probably rushing things a little to hurry and get out of their contract with Roadrunner Records, whom Dave has said he's sick of dealing with.
probably rushing things a little to hurry and get out of their contract with Roadrunner Records, whom Dave has said he's sick of dealing with.

I dunno about this because Megadeth was technically done with Roadrunner after Endgame. Supposedly Dave decided to either resign or extend their contract to do this record.

Roadrunner must be doing something right because I heard Public Enemy No. 1 on the radio the other night :)
Nevertheless if a person care about lyrics in metal, I always recommend Skyclad. Martin Walkyier had written among the best lyrics in English language.

Yes! Yes yes yes! Best lyricist ever :)

Lyrics are pretty important to me. Bad ones make me cringe and facepalm. There are lots of different kinds of good lyrics and sometimes they are good for different reasons...
I dunno about this because Megadeth was technically done with Roadrunner after Endgame. Supposedly Dave decided to either resign or extend their contract to do this record.

Roadrunner must be doing something right because I heard Public Enemy No. 1 on the radio the other night :)

Hmmm strange it seems like I remember hearing something about him being sick of their label, but I can't find anything on it. Maybe I'm thinking of a different band or something.
I have no doubt the tie for that honor would be shared by Pye Dubois of Max Webster / Rush. :)

Dunno that guy, but speaking of Rush, Peart obviously comes to mind when good lyrics should be mentioned. Probably my second fave after Walkyier.