Mel Gibson

Krampus, are you trying to add me on facebook? It might be some random asian girl that looks like you, but I needed to be sure.
Maybe she's been abducted by aliens, and is trying to transmit a distress signal through Facebook.
So, according to the latest Mel news, reports are he is moving back to Australia with his ex-wife, while some nobody is claiming he had a fling with her and was abusive at the end.

Sounds to me like his GF found out he was gravitating back to his ex-wife and she got pissed. His ex-wife has also filed a statement saying he was never abusive in their 28 years of marriage. I'll take that statement over that of two gold diggin whores.
For fucks sake I went away for the weekend.

No I didn't try to add you. If her FB name doesn't have "Krampus" it wasn't me.
This is how all abusive relationships start, Pat. First you demand why I was away for THREE WHOLE DAYS. Next you start following me when I go out. Then you start hitting me when you get upset. I can see where this is going.