Mel Gibson

The whole assumed immigrant thing... I understand to a point.

People that arent white are really uncommon in WV. Unless you're black, you're assumed to be an immigrant. (but dont worry, white people in wv hate everyone who isnt, so it all equals out)

I've met several people of asian descent, not one of them spoke english very well (or hardly at all) so I have to assume they didnt grow up here or go to school here.

Same goes for people I believe to be Indian (dot) or Mexican.

I've never really experienced anyone who has broken that generalization.... and that same generalization has caused me to shy away from any oppourtunity to try and communicate with others.
I have healthy blood pressure - 114/66 as of last month. Eventually I'll chill out but for now I'm satisfied.

So many people suck at makeup. Its purpose is to even out your skin tone and reduce shine, not to replace your skin.
The whole assumed immigrant thing... I understand to a point.

People that arent white are really uncommon in WV. Unless you're black, you're assumed to be an immigrant. (but dont worry, white people in wv hate everyone who isnt, so it all equals out)

I've met several people of asian descent, not one of them spoke english very well (or hardly at all) so I have to assume they didnt grow up here or go to school here.

Same goes for people I believe to be Indian (dot) or Mexican.

I've never really experienced anyone who has broken that generalization.... and that same generalization has caused me to shy away from any oppourtunity to try and communicate with others.

So you don't talk to people who look "furren" because they might actually be furren? What? I'm sure WV is very different, but I'm from a populated area of NY and there are all kinds of people around in abundant quantity. Plus who cares if they're not "from around here," they moved to the USA and are likely citizens --> makes them just as American as anyone else.

I actually have an English/Scottish last name as well as a "normal Amurrican" first name, so it's inexcusable for people who know me personally. I can live with folks talking all slow at me at work or whatever, because then I can say "can you talk a little faster? I don't have all day" at them and hurt their pride.
So you don't talk to people who look "furren" because they might actually be furren? What? I'm sure WV is very different, but I'm from a populated area of NY and there are all kinds of people around in abundant quantity. Plus who cares if they're not "from around here," they moved to the USA and are likely citizens --> makes them just as American as anyone else.

Maybe things will be different here in 50 or so years... but as of right now the population is pretty much white with a touch of black. Other races seem to just now be venturing here.... People are still very intolerant of others too. (which, I think, causes minorities to not venture outside their groups)

As for not talking to others because they look "furren," I'm not Johnny Depp, nor am I the worlds most interesting man from those stupid beer commercials. If I think I cant properly communicate with you, if I cant tell someone a story or make you laugh or gauge your sense of humor (nervous "I dont understand whats going on laughing" is the worst) it's fairly pointless for me to try...

WV has very pretty natural scenery, and very ugly towns (generally speaking). Did some skiing there a long time ago.

Depends on where you are of course. I live in the northcentral part of the state, closer to PA, ohio, and maryland. The very bottom of the state... is somewhere I wouldnt ever want to live. It's a horrible, scary place. :lol:
So you won't talk to people who look furren because they might not speak perfect English? Way to represent the WV stereotype :D
Taking this thread even more off-topic, I'd like to chime in say that it's not true that the most racist and xenophobic people are found in rural areas. Sure, out in the country, you'll find all kinds of racist old people, but a majority of "country folk" find non-whites interesting (with the exception of Native Americans. Country bumpkins hate Injuns). The younger people especially are fascinated by non-whites. The town I used to live in had about 20 black people out of a total population of 5000 or so, and they were followed around by a pack of groupies all the time. Granted, the city I live in now is no Tokyo, London, or New York, but it is big enough where I had assumed that everyone would be tolerant and peace loving like a United Colors of Benetton ad. Boy, was I wrong. Every white person I talk to around here hates everyone of color with a passion. I suppose you could measure their hate like this:
dogs > Asians > rats > Hindus/Arabs > cockroaches > blacks > Mexicans
It's pretty bad when I want to go back to rural Iowa just so I can be around some racially tolerant people.
A welcome diversion!

I agree. Cities are some of the most segregated, racism-breeding places on earth. Since there's plenty of everyone around it's real easy to ghettoize and be like "I'M NOT GOING THERE CAUSE THEY'RE ALL DOG EATING PORCH MONKEY BEANER TERRORIST HONKIES." People in very rural areas are typically friendly and their ignorance stems from lack of exposure rather than voluntary avoidance.

In Japan for instance there are lots of people who think Japan is the only country on earth. I live in a pretty rural/hick area and Man-Purse lives in a prefectural capital city (~500,000 people) in a conservative prefecture. When I meet local folks they say "You're not Japanese, where do you come from?" and I tell them and they're like "oh cool." In Man-Purse's city, we always get into an argument for like 5 minutes that goes like this

JP: Oh you're Japanese!
Me: No, I'm American.
JP: But you look Japanese!
Me: Well I'm not, I am from New York.
JP: You have a Japanese face!
Me: I was born in Korea actually but I am an American citizen and I've lived in America since I was a baby
JP: So you're Korean.
Me: No, I have a U.S. passport.
JP: But you were born in Korea, so you are Korean?

What's more sad/amusing is when you get one of those really ignorant racists (as opposed to the ones who have a laundry list of historical reasons with dates/details why they hate _blank_ race) is when you ask them why they hate blacks/latinos/etc. and get that blank, confused look and then some sort of reponse like "B-b-because they are BLACK!". Then give them a knowing look and go, "Ooooohhhhhh".

Man those dudes are O_O! why aren't there yellow hotties like that around here? Everyone is wafer thin with gay hair.
You'd think a society where every middle school and high school has mandatory 10k races in PE class would breed more athletic bodies. Seriously most dudes here are 5'7 and 125 lbs (but decently cut, to be fair)
I hate all the films that just give more reason for retarded Americans to hate the English.

I do however love the Mad Max films and also find some of what he is quoted to have said pretty hilarious.