Mel Gibson

Also Dakryn it's not racist in the same way when black people call other black people "my pals" and I'd have thought you would be smarter than to try and pull that shit.

I think that double standard is bullshit, especially since black people will use it derogatorily all the time, and if you don't think so, you haven't met enough black people.
Fair enough, you and a lot of other people. Suppose you're offended that I call my friends "chinks" and "gooks" because schoolyard bullies would use those words against me when I was growing up and by abusing the phrases now they lose their meaning entirely and become satirical, then?
Unrelated, but the first time I heard someone call another a "gook" I nearly pissed myself laughing.

Mel Gibson is a pretty cool guy, eh punches his wife and doesnt afraid of jews.
Yeah it's real fucking funny when you're like, 11 and a small gang of white boys surround you on a school bus and call you gook and pull their eyes.
Because you were 11 and didn't know better. If some guys passed you in the hall at the wedding in NY and did that what would your response be now? I would hope it would be to laugh at how juvenile they are, and to ask them on how being gay is going for them :D .
Imagine poor V5 when he was younger... kids surrounding him on the bus and singing oompah loompah songs.
I don't think you understand how that shit works. I can take being insulted for saying something stupid or being fat or whatever since those are things I can change, but when someone insults you for something you have absolutely no control over - particularly your race - it makes you really really really really really fucking angry, and those little quips mommy and Dakryn told you like "laugh it off" are useless.

If that above situation happened I would say nothing, get to know them and maybe flirt heavily, and then key the fuck out of their cars.
I don't think you understand how that shit works. I can take being insulted for saying something stupid or being fat or whatever since those are things I can change, but when someone insults you for something you have absolutely no control over - particularly your race - it makes you really really really really really fucking angry, and those little quips mommy and Dakryn told you like "laugh it off" are useless.

If that above situation happened I would say nothing, get to know them and maybe flirt heavily, and then key the fuck out of their cars.

So basically what you are saying is you wish you could change your race then. If some non-white person called me a "fuckin honky/cracker/whatever-the-kids-are-saying-these-days", I would be like, "Damn right I am", and that was basically the same attitude I had growing up as a white kid in a black neighborhood. No one from another race could ever make me feel bad about mine, because it is something that not only cannot be changed, but has nothing to do with ability, potential, or worth.
Has anyone else noticed the rise of oompah loompah americans lately?

They seem to have invaded WV in the past couple years... because I dont really remember them before...

At the point tanning has turned you to leatherface, or your spray on tan has you pumpkin orange, what the fuck is wrong with your head? You arent meant to be that color.
I was thinking more along the lines of size than skin color. America is pretty much an oompah loompah nation at this point, and since I did use to be fat, I have very little tolerance for it.
I just tend to joke that overly orange people must have "oompah loompah blood" in their family tree. (not related to calling andy short)

Being chubby, I also understand... a rough life when you're young, until you make them fear you... I went to a pretty small elementary school and I was grilled pretty hard for being chubby until I was 10ish? A guy that I'm actually friends with now pushed me until I punched him in the face on the bus. Word spread of that mess fairly quickly, and I was basically let be until I started to stretch out in middle school.
So basically what you are saying is you wish you could change your race then. If some non-white person called me a "fuckin honky/cracker/whatever-the-kids-are-saying-these-days", I would be like, "Damn right I am", and that was basically the same attitude I had growing up as a white kid in a black neighborhood. No one from another race could ever make me feel bad about mine, because it is something that not only cannot be changed, but has nothing to do with ability, potential, or worth.

No, that's not it at all. It's a matter of indignance and rage that there are people like that who are allowed to reproduce and go about their daily lives being that fucking stupid.

Also (and I know you'll come up with some colorblind counterargument) you have the (perhaps subconscious, but still present) comfort of knowing your country was originally founded by white people for white people. Back home half the people I meet think I'm an immigrant and frequently ask me questions about my ethnicity ("what are you?"). It may be "valid" considering east Asians haven't been in the US for as long as blacks or whites, but I would definitely say that despite my blue passport w/an eagle on the front all the "konnichiwa" bullshit I get (plus the occasional hostile slur) is pretty annoying.
I was thinking more along the lines of size than skin color. America is pretty much an oompah loompah nation at this point, and since I did use to be fat, I have very little tolerance for it.

The skin color thing is because everyone tries to be what they're not. Life would be too simple if we were all satisfied with our own attributes, so whitening products run rampant all over Asia, curly haired white girls get straight perms and go tanning, and black people go crazy with relaxing treatments and braiding.
No, that's not it at all. It's a matter of indignance and rage that there are people like that who are allowed to reproduce and go about their daily lives being that fucking stupid.

Also (and I know you'll come up with some colorblind counterargument) you have the (perhaps subconscious, but still present) comfort of knowing your country was originally founded by white people for white people. Back home half the people I meet think I'm an immigrant and frequently ask me questions about my ethnicity ("what are you?"). It may be "valid" considering east Asians haven't been in the US for as long as blacks or whites, but I would definitely say that despite my blue passport w/an eagle on the front all the "konnichiwa" bullshit I get (plus the occasional hostile slur) is pretty annoying.

That's definitely understandable. I will admit that it's easier in a country where you are the majority, even if you aren't the majority in the local area. I have kind of a strong will anyway, so take whatever I say with that grain of salt.

The skin color thing is because everyone tries to be what they're not. Life would be too simple if we were all satisfied with our own attributes, so whitening products run rampant all over Asia, curly haired white girls get straight perms and go tanning, and black people go crazy with relaxing treatments and braiding.

This is also true. Make up should be included in this list. Make up in the overwhelming majority of cases looks like shit. Whenever chicks try to use it to cover up "blemishes", all I see is blemishes magnified and pointed out by being caked with [shit].
I also have pretty bad anger problems in terms of letting stupid shit ruin my day/moment/whatever. Not like sloughfeg punching his boss or Mort Divine cussin' at his, but yeah. I get hostile stares from Japanese people sometimes when I walk around with Man-Purse and let me tell you what it's not him snapping "what the fuck are you looking at" at them. And I definitely spat in some guy's face on a public bus who said gross perverted shit to me and then called me a chink.

edit: As a fellow former hambeast I am also grossly intolerant to fat people. Like if you're 10 pounds overweight whatever, but half my friends from grade school are fucking giant obese people now and I'm less inclined to hang out with them.