Mellow Records ?

Loki Lefay

New Metal Member
Jul 6, 2004

I'm going to finally buy original cds of the Unicorn albums, after having a crappy mp3 sourced CDR for so long.

Are they reliable ? good service ?
I'm not sure. has Unicorn cds off-and-on, I'm sure Ken (label owner) will order some for you if you request him to, he's a nice dude. That's where I got mine.
Mellow Records had very good service and fast shipping when I ordered Ever Since from them..
Cool. I will probably go with Mellow as they are the cheapest.

Lasercd has a great range of stuff though, i'll probably buy some stuff from them in the future. Cheers for the link.
Sorry for digging up this old thread! I just wanted to say that yesterday I contacted Mellow Records to ask if the Unicorn albums were still available. I got an answer pretty fast, I ordered them, paid for them and they should have been shipped by now! I'll let you know when I get them. So far so good!
Just wanted to let you know that the CDs have arrived yesterday. Considering that there was a national holiday monday, the CDs probably would have arrived even earlier! Extremely fast shipping! So if you don't have these yet, Mellow Records is the way to go.
well, back when i ordered it had to make a world tour first, so i guess they didnt have any on stock back then?

it just arrived

it's really odd, it was mellow records all along right? i opened the package, it had a EUR 5,30 poststamp on it, and inside was another package: looks like he bought a cd from his own label (!) from a guy with a russian name who lives in the US. wtf? so there is about 7 euros of shipping in the 20 euros i paid, haha!

hmm there are some brown stains on the back of the booklet :(

by the way, what means "i guess i am his brother in law!" shouldnt it be son in law, i dont understand...
Dan Swanö;7462044 said:
Maybe they finally reprinted the stuff???

I took the liberty to ask them if that was so when I orderd my copies and unfortunately, no they have not reprinted them. He told me these are the last few copies from the first pressing. I'm glad I got mine before they ran out of them!
I took the liberty to ask them if that was so when I orderd my copies and unfortunately, no they have not reprinted them. He told me these are the last few copies from the first pressing. I'm glad I got mine before they ran out of them!

That's interesting.
Because in most contracts after like 6 years after the last release on a label the rights go back to the band.
So Dan could sell the rights to a new label or something.
Do you not get any money from that, Dan?

I remember the first cheque we got from was like a few million liras..looked real good with all them zeros...until we exchanged them into Swedish crowns and realized it would cover like, nothing....but we were happy not to pay for all of everything alone!! The second record we got a bit more studiobudget and a pretty big box of CD´ 50 or so...that´s it...

Rokk onn