Melodic Metal - PodXT, AD


Dec 8, 2008
First post, first thread on these here forums for me.

I've been actively on here as a guest / watcher looking over different mixes, tones etc and now i think i'm ready for a bit of help and advice etc.

I've only been using logic for recording for the last 5 months maybe if that.
So any advice towards guitar tone, drum mixing etc would be awesome !

Guitar = Esp Ltd M-350 with 2 EMG humbuckers and Emg single coil.
Xt tone = Marshal + screamer + Eq 100/100 // Scooped Marshall tone 50/50

Guitars are quad tracked also. No Vocals either.


The clip is from a new track i'm working on, Its towards the end of the track and consists of a build up, chorus and little bit after which i dont have a name for yet :P

Any Advice would be ace.



Build Up Sample...
First of all, on just a really quick listen...ease off the compression there. You got a little heavy handed with it. It's really apparent on the drums.
yea i agree with grywolf the compression is insane on the drums, the symbols are pumping to the point where its hard to listen to. Also some advice: I dont think you recorded bass alongside the guitars, so personally i think you should turn the bass on the guitars down a little too. track sounds really good though, sick harmony with the riffs.
Yeah I shall have a crack with the compression later
and also there isnt any bass on the track due to me not owning one :rolleyes: