Melodic metalcore. Pod X3 Pro. Ampeg SVX.


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
Yo guys.

I've just had a few free hours tonight to work on stuff for my band, and I managed to come up with this. Tisn't finished, and it's only mixed roughly.

It's pod for guitars, ampeg svx for bass and AD for drums.

It's not a very long clip, just a few ideas.

I would like some opinions on not only the production, but the song aswell. Anything that doesn't work/sounds stupid?

Cheers dudes. rest-01.mp3

Updated version: rest.mp3
sounds really fucking good
im always impressed by your recordings

if you make one of this "mixing videos" putting a recorder while you mix :worship: id be your whore :worship:...

Cheers for all the feedback guys :) Glad you like it!

About the recorder thingy, firstly, I don't have the program, and secondly I think you'd be sorely disappointed at what I do, everything is relatively simple.

But if anyone needs any info on anything feel free to ask and I'll happily tell you.

Sounds damn great. I'm not to big on this type of stuff, but it sounds killer for what it is! I can't really give much advice about the mix, you got some great sounds out of the stuff you are using!
Cheers Bloodjinn, I've actually never heard of Beloved, but I'll go check 'em out now! :D

And thankyou The Unavoidable, fair enough about not being into the stuff, it's not everyone's cup of tea... I reckon I can probably get the guitars sounding a bit thicker with a bit more work.

narcossintese, the guitars were just the pod x3 pro, with the big bottom model, most of the controls cranked. Then the v30 cab with the 421 mic.

As far as other processing, just some pretty outlandish E.Q. in cubase, tiny bit of C4, BBE sonic maximizer used VERY sparingly and parallel compression.

Let it burn... I would share the AD preset, but it's actually the one that fuge86 posted for his song Egg. Just with lots of E.Q. and a different kick sample.

I might get round to doing a mix video at some point... I downloaded the program and I'll try and record what I'm doing next time I do a bit of writing.

Cheers dudes for all the positive comments! :D
Just bumping this thread because I've pretty much just finished writing the song, and would like peoples opinion on the completed thing.

There's not much changed mix-wise... I think I turned the snare up a bit, and made the guitars a teensy bit less bright.

Even though suggestions are of course welcome, I'd REALLY like some feedback on the way the song flows and any bits that sound wrong/you think could sound better.

Cheers guys!

New link: rest.mp3
Sounds very very good man. Awesome work :D! Would you mind sharing the drums' preset?