Melodic/symphonic/post-rockish metal (Vocals, live drums, KPA, AxeII)


Mark Zero
Jun 6, 2010
Hey all :wave:

This is my band Mark Zero's latest song, called "All that I loved was the enemy". It's about realizing all the fortunes and achievements you work your ass off to get to are actually the things keeping you from living a happy life. :)

I'm the singer and rhythm guitarist btw:

It was recorded in our rehearsal space, live drums, guitars are an AW-7 and custom Warmoth 7-string strat (using the neck single coil), going through Kemper for the rhythms and an Axe II for the cleans and leads if I recall correctly.

This wasn't mixed by me for once but by my co-guitarist Scott, I think it's his best work so far!

So let me hear how much you hate it! :) Cheers! :kickass:
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You and a guy named widek have very similar ish styles of music.

The layers you guys create in your music is something I enjoy a lot.
Good "Arena Rock" song. I can already hear your audience at the concert singing along with the gang vocal section of this song. My only prob is, like most melodic singers (even the pros!), you could use a little help with pitch-correction. If you want to pm me with your isolated vox track(s), I could do that for you in Melodyne Editor rather quickly.
Good work!
Good "Arena Rock" song. I can already hear your audience at the concert singing along with the gang vocal section of this song. My only prob is, like most melodic singers (even the pros!), you could use a little help with pitch-correction. If you want to pm me with your isolated vox track(s), I could do that for you in Melodyne Editor rather quickly.
Good work!

Cheers! I've also noticed some parts that are a little pitchy, I think I did three takes of the whole song and the guys liked the last one so we basically took the whole thing as it was and just melodyne'd a few words by hand. We could have given it another pass and corrected a few more words, but at the same time I think the industry standard of digital superpitch can get a little lifeless in some contexts. The drums aren't edited either for this same reason. In a faster, more modern radio-style track we might have done heavier editing, as we have with our other tracks. It's really a stylistic thing, I think :)

Thanks for the offer though, that's really cool of you :)