Men are just so talented

Originally posted by metalmancpa
As a man - I have no problem saying that in general, men are, and will always be pigs. And I can't see us getting out of a male dominated society.

They make all these nice and sexy clothes for women. Then men get ridiculous, get rude and lude, and society blames it on the women for egging men on.

Not a fair world for a woman to act like a women.

Pigs are quite clean an animal, contrary to popular belief.
As a man - I have no problem saying that in general, men are, and will always be pigs.

In general. Not all males are pigs though.... But those of us who aren't pigs get the raw end of the deal BECAUSE of the pigs, and get lumped in with them.
Originally posted by Trapped

In general. Not all males are pigs though.... But those of us who aren't pigs get the raw end of the deal BECAUSE of the pigs, and get lumped in with them.

I agree. People today is almost surprised when they hear me talk about how much i love my ex and how i feel like i should try to change and be a better person for her. Some people even asume i am gay until they hear me say Maria.

So i will like to say that i am a deeply sensitive male that shows it all the time ( to its friends of course ) and i feel so alienated and rejected, i tend to grow apart from society in general, that being a mayor reason.
It's strange that.

My last girlfriend kept saying to me... "...Are you SURE that your not gay?"... eh. Do you understand how much that will destroy your ego and confidence? (sorry belial!)

It's annoying. Apparently a male cannot have feelings for someone for the person that they are... it's not the 'done thing' i guess.
but the fact that it's not the done thing is not necessarily bad....and you know this of course .....

forget what people around perceive as socially accepted.... create your own world and live in it... and you can definitely do so when it comes to such matters and when you'll find your special one...
be proud of who you are....sometimes it is even comforting to see you're different than the people around you caring more for the outside than the inside,caring to look macho than being what they really are....
stick to your personal beliefs and try to live to life the way you want (i know it's difficult,but somehow you can achieve a part of it)...

but well i'm sure you already know all these....
Melancholia is right again. :)

It s not me that has a hard time accepting who i am. I know that perfectly well... It is people around me, and people i meet. It is 'unusual' for a guy to not be like other guys.
Originally posted by Trapped
It's strange that.

My last girlfriend kept saying to me... "...Are you SURE that your not gay?"... eh. Do you understand how much that will destroy your ego and confidence? (sorry belial!)

It's annoying. Apparently a male cannot have feelings for someone for the person that they are... it's not the 'done thing' i guess.

Yeah.. a girl can 'love' a girl and not be homosexual, yet a guy who 'loves' another is automatically ruled homosexual.
Originally posted by Trapped
I love you Sullen.

Hah! My plan worked!


Sorry, I just could not resist ;)
Originally posted by Sullen Jester

Yeah.. a girl can 'love' a girl and not be homosexual, yet a guy who 'loves' another is automatically ruled homosexual.

exactly!! i fooled around with another girl... and i'm not a lesbian!! but if my man says "greg's kinda cool", then i'm gonna dump his ass - i'm not dating a gay man!!

i'm not sure if that was sarcasm, or if i'm making a comment on how thin the lines of sexuality are... um.... nevermind.....
Originally posted by Kittarin

exactly!! i fooled around with another girl... and i'm not a lesbian!! but if my man says "greg's kinda cool", then i'm gonna dump his ass - i'm not dating a gay man!!

i'm not sure if that was sarcasm, or if i'm making a comment on how thin the lines of sexuality are... um.... nevermind.....

You should have said that as.. [sarcasm]I'm not dating a gay man!![/sarcasm]