Men & Women in metal


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
The day metal reaches beyond the majority of 18-25 year old lower income white adolescent males will be a milestone for the ages. There is no wonder that other musical sub-genres are more accepted simply because they seem to lack that 'white trash' element.

So tell me, why are some guys so genuinely threatened by the presence of women in metal (either musicians or fans)? I accept that I'm the older guy and maybe I've grown out of that teen angst phase but even when Angella Gossow was getting crap, it was abundantly clear that the majority of crap being aimed her way was via pimpled face teenagers still living in a trailer with one step-parent.

And then you see the kind of abuse Susperia gets here, and I simply do not get it. She might have annoyed you on some other forum but she has never done anything wrong here. I honestly cannot see the resentment other than there being some feeling of being threatened with the knee-jerk reaction to overcompensate for something sorely lacking.

Neurotica gets shit. Mousewings got crap from Erik for no reason whatsoever. There is a pattern here.

I accept that it's a forum and most of this is comedic banter, but sometimes I get the sense that this is real resentment. Like it really keeps some people up at night.

I'm cool with it. One of my ex-girlfriends was a definite metalhead - I found it very cool (one of the few cool things about her other than a gorgeous appearence) that we could talk about music in a "I'm not coming at you from the frame of mind that metal is Korn" kind of way. We actually hooked up at an In Flames show.

Ironically, she was ultimately completely psycho on a whole 'nother level. :loco:
Look, I don't know any women that like metal other than those I see post on these forums. Hell, I don't know anyone personally that likes metal. But what I've seen from all too many female posters on these boards is that they aren't so much into the music as they are into the scene. And why are they into the scene? Because most of them aren't good enough looking to get the kind of attention elsewhere that they can get from the pimply, antisocial, male metal fans that typically only have the stones to talk to women in the impersonal fashion facilitated by this type of communication. (Disclaimer: there of course are exceptions and this is by no means a rule, just what I've noticed over the years on UM)

As for Susperia, I honestly think most of the abuse she gets is indeed for shits and giggles. I, however, am still annoyed because she's such a tease. No, not a cock tease. Settle down. She piqued my curiousity by mentioning some life changing incident that happened to her while she was in Europe or some shit and then wouldn't tell us what the fuck it was. If she tells us that, I'll come back from my mild annoyance to simply not giving a shit as before.
interesting ... going back to my HS days, kids into the extreme kind of metal really did not have many chicks hanging around them, nor did they seek out any to be around either ... the other metalheads, the ones more into the hair metal and kind of mainstream stuff were a polar opposite.

not sure what exactly is going on here ... but like you I am not quite sure what some of these wannabe RC groupies did to be such punching bags ... but maybe I just have grown to realize that most women are annoying by nature and am more tollerant :loco:

let's not forget the sonw2fall bashing also ...
Never saw Neurotica or snow2fall get shit really (except for that funny picture once but that was just a joke anyway) but Mousewings and Susperia are weird freaky annoying attentionwhoring stalker cunts who deserve everything we can do to make them feel worse and go away.
I don't really know if I agree. There's alot of bashing going on towards guys too but then there is no "OMG she is a girl, don't call her that, you have to be niiice" reaction to blow everything out of proportion.
But what I've seen from all too many female posters on these boards is that they aren't so much into the music as they are into the scene. And why are they into the scene? Because most of them aren't good enough looking to get the kind of attention elsewhere that they can get from the pimply, antisocial, male metal fans that typically only have the stones to talk to women in the impersonal fashion facilitated by this type of communication. (Disclaimer: there of course are exceptions and this is by no means a rule, just what I've noticed over the years on UM)

This has been my experience.
The bint that Demilich was talking about in the body building quit thread is heavily into metal and actually doesn't even dress in the scene. She's into tons and tons of thrash and heavy metal. I was surprised when she came up and talked to me about metal.

I couldn't really care less, as long as they aren't annoying about it.
Look, I don't know any women that like metal other than those I see post on these forums. Hell, I don't know anyone personally that likes metal. But what I've seen from all too many female posters on these boards is that they aren't so much into the music as they are into the scene. And why are they into the scene? Because most of them aren't good enough looking to get the kind of attention elsewhere that they can get from the pimply, antisocial, male metal fans that typically only have the stones to talk to women in the impersonal fashion facilitated by this type of communication. (Disclaimer: there of course are exceptions and this is by no means a rule, just what I've noticed over the years on UM)

Agreed with most of this. Basically on boards, and at shows (where i see it even more) there's generally always going to be less women around. So those that are there, are usually 'under the microscope' so to speak. The ratio of scenesters to actual passionate music fans male/female is probably not that different. You just notice the women more because there are less of them on music boards for instance. And on boards guys that generally wouldn't say jack shit to anyone in 'real life' let alone a girl are the ones who are bashing the most (just the nature of the internet). The 'threat' is as mentioned above is this someone that is generally into the music or just a passing phase? It is usually different also when nobody even knows the user is female, and then 3 months later you see a pic, "OOO didn't know that." Then there's a percentage that will change their tune positive or negative given the discovery! Live shows in my experience, always seems to have a percentage of people there because of the scene (obviously depending on the band) as thant mentions. I saw this with katatonia, where the three in front of me male+female were taking pictures during their set oblivious to the performance. Back when opeth came around for deliverance (already getting more popular at the time), the two girls in front of me were talking throughout the set and not even paying attention. In both instances these are things i notice because it happened right in front of me, so i remember it more. In reality it goes both ways, not much difference just the numbers.
I also love female vocals in metal, like Wolves in the Throne Room, Hammers of Misfortune, and that one Summoning song.
The day metal reaches beyond the majority of 18-25 year old lower income white adolescent males will be a milestone for the ages. There is no wonder that other musical sub-genres are more accepted simply because they seem to lack that 'white trash' element.

So tell me, why are some guys so genuinely threatened by the presence of women in metal (either musicians or fans)? I accept that I'm the older guy and maybe I've grown out of that teen angst phase but even when Angella Gossow was getting crap, it was abundantly clear that the majority of crap being aimed her way was via pimpled face teenagers still living in a trailer with one step-parent.

And then you see the kind of abuse Susperia gets here, and I simply do not get it. She might have annoyed you on some other forum but she has never done anything wrong here. I honestly cannot see the resentment other than there being some feeling of being threatened with the knee-jerk reaction to overcompensate for something sorely lacking.

Neurotica gets shit. Mousewings got crap from Erik for no reason whatsoever. There is a pattern here.

I accept that it's a forum and most of this is comedic banter, but sometimes I get the sense that this is real resentment. Like it really keeps some people up at night.


Well the reasons that these birds get shit (the ones that get, anyway) have nothing to do with their musical preferences and the fact that they "listen" to metal. So basically the answer is what Hell Mike said. And of course the "why, where, when and what" of "Men & Women in metal" can't be told by opinions that are entirely based on internet and forums.
Most women I've seen in metal have been very good looking women; unfortunately, most are of the "gangbang me cause it's fun" crowd.
So tell me, why are some guys so genuinely threatened by the presence of women...
I don't think it has anything to do with Metal, though I suspect this scene codifies it, in a way that few other societal niches do.

From what I can tell, most men don't actually like women (as people). And that dislike takes many forms, from a guy's circle of friends, to whose opinions he respects, to his positions on womens issues, to his preferences in porn. I'm not sure what's created this mentality. Perhaps some men feel threatened, perhaps others simply don't know how to relate, and for others, perhaps it stems from issues with their mother. Regardless, the behavior is prevalent, throughout American society.

The anti-women theory is flawed. Johanna, Karen, Cara (thrash), have not once been subjugated to misogynistic marauding. They've assimilated themselves quite nicely among this forum. Unlike Susperia, who comes off as the second coming of Betty Friedan.

Maren, received guff for returning to this board and throwing out the blanket statement that everyone who posts here is an idjut. (Aside from, Nad, Lizard, and Lurch)
... the answer is what Hell Mike said..

OK. And his response was:

Mousewings and Susperia are weird freaky annoying attentionwhoring stalker cunts who deserve everything we can do to make them feel worse and go away.

Yeah, that explains it. :zombie:

And I suppose Moose gets a free pass because he supposedly has a pair of testicles? :loco:
Maren, received guff for returning to this board and throwing out the blanket statement that everyone who posts here is an idjut. (Aside from, Nad, Lizard, and Lurch)

WAT? she said that? i feel honored ... let me email her a thank you note :loco:

speaking of Nad, saw a guy in a same Subaru lesbo wagon like Nad has ... and he looked like freaking nad ... whatever