Why do men hate women in metal?

DiscipleOfPlato said:
Forget it, Int. and Xenophobe are illiterate.
Your meandering rhetoric and your belligerent comportment combine to create an infallible presence. Arguing with you would merely be futile.
Yeah thats why i dont get it. Both of you guys have really no argument with each other, yet both of you seem rather pissed off at each other
Neither of us will ever prove our point anyways, we're fighting a battle never to be won. Anyway I would rather discuss Heavy Metal then gender, it's gone on to long.
Yeah thats why i dont get it. Both of you guys have really no argument with each other, yet both of you seem rather pissed off at each other

Well, pardon me if it seems that way. It's nearly impossible for me to be enraged, much less over the comments of a complete stranger on a messageboard.