Merch Idea for Shirts: plain logo

Great idea, oldschoolthrashmetal.:hotjump: Skulls are ok, but pentagrams are just fucking silly, if you ask me. I mean, why would a band that doesn't popularize or support devil worshipping or satanism and whose members wear crosses around their necks use the pentagrams in their merchandise and cd covers (to symbolize the "back to the roots" trend in their music? to be more "true"? to use as many symbols as possible? because it is required when you're a metal band?). :muahaha:This might appeal only to some kids (Obviously I'm not talking just about TestAmenT now). I never understood that. I mean, I don't give a shit what people make of my apparel, as long as I support my band by wearing shirts with their logo, but a plain logo (especially the old one) on a shirt would look really killer, elegant and aesthetic (and now most of my Testament shirts are full of pentagrams and snakes- and that surely doesn't make me look more serious and respectable:p). Leave the dark, evil and gloomy images to black metal bands or at least make some diversity- that would make more people happy :). Or I'm getting old too :grin:
I'll still be buying whatever they release (even pink shirts with hearts or black shirts with corpses all around), because it's Testament
High Priest Of Evil said:
TL, can we expect some new merch with the release of the new record as well as some more "re-releases" (like the Disciples shirt)?

where have you been last summer Priestoo!! :Spin: :wave:

ok i am not picking on you but the first thing i brought back home form my Testament road trip last summer was brand new one Disciples shirt :hotjump: :yow: :hotjump:

i think they will prepare some merch for the Reunion tour with classic logo and old school prints from the first records...?

the idea of this mini tour needs that IMO
i think they will prepare some merch for the Reunion tour with classic logo and old school prints from the first records...?

the idea of this mini tour needs that IMO
Amen to that.:rock:
where have you been last summer Priestoo!!
:waah: you know I couldn't go... but the Disciples one was the only retro-shirt available as far as I'm concerned... we're waiting for more:grin:
Brooks said:

In fact, I'd kill for a yellow shirt with a black logo. That would be fucking sick!

I agree, I have way too many black shirts. I want to cut the death metal fad and get back to the classic thrash era with white or red shirts, and day shows in the bay area, I get too sleepy at 2 in the night.
Look at this shirt on German Ebay:

I bought this one last year and was wondering if it´s an offical shirt !?!?
I have the old one from 1990 and it looks much different.
I have almost the same shirt (only mine also has "Souls Of Black" below the logo on the back)- I doubt any of these is original. How does the one from 1990 that you have look like?
I've recently seen a SoB t-shirt with the old (pre- Souls) testament logo on the front too
High Priest Of Evil said:
Great idea, oldschoolthrashmetal.:hotjump: Skulls are ok, but pentagrams are just fucking silly, if you ask me. I mean, why would a band that doesn't popularize or support devil worshipping or satanism and whose members wear crosses around their necks use the pentagrams in their merchandise and cd covers (to symbolize the "back to the roots" trend in their music? to be more "true"? to use as many symbols as possible? because it is required when you're a metal band?). :muahaha:
Maybe because pentagrams don't actually mean satan worshipping - it's a very ancient sign but lately people "invented" that this symbol have something in common with devil I don't have nothing against pentagrams - maybe because I'm only 20 years old and I still enjoy to shock people :hotjump: And I'm enthusiastic about this idea of making new T-shirts - with or without pentagrams I would like to have one of these :grin:
Yeah i vote for that simple TestAmenT logo on a long sleeve shirts, that's sweet. My Gathering long sleeve is getting really old now....i got my biker one but, you just can't have enough TestAmenT shirts really.

Oh and new ones for females too would be cool, so i can get one for my gf,... i'd want to bang her like mad if she had a TestAmenT tank top or something, hahahaha that'd be fuckin hot man. :D