Mercury Rain - THANKS ALL !!


Power Quest
Feb 16, 2003
BIG thanks to everyone who showed up on the Saturday lunchtime to see Mercury Rain.

You never know how many people are going to bother turning out for the earlier bands, but to come out and see a sea of faces stretching towards the back of the hall was an awesome experiance for all of us.

...and then to meet so many cool people with great comments in the signing session, on our merch stall, and just around the festival in general was brilliant.

Cheers to Vince, Paul, Rog & all the BS team for giving us the break.

See you all soon !!!

Jon & MR
divineintervener said:
Hey, You Guys(Girl) did really well, sounded great live, you deserved a longer slot.
It was cool to see you all around during the day aswell.
Well Done,
Good Luck for the Future!

Cheers !

But to be fair as well, we had 35mins, same as DragonForce, Power Quest etc.
Already posted my praise in anotha thread but will say it again got myself rite up the front and had a great time - loved the set and the album is a erally good listen!
Baletempest said:
Thank you for such an excelent set, I hope you still play london gigs so I can see you when I'm at uni. just 1 question remains, when is the new EP out?

Thanks Baletempest - one more gig this year (Swindon next Saturday) , then we're locked in the studio working on a new full-length album 'St Matthieu'. We decided against the EP for various reasons, and opted for a full lengther. Initial writing has already started, and we hope to get it out sometime in the first half of 04...

We sold a lot of merchandise & CD's at BS03, and this will be ploughed straight back in to the band, and pay a good percentage of the production costs of the new CD. So thanks to everyone who bought stuff ! Not a penny wasted I promise !!
You guys and girl rocked. I hadnt heard much of Mercury Rain before hand but convinced my fellow head bangers to swap from the darwin suit to catch you.

Great stage presence and set, good to see you around too. Thanks for letting me get a cheeky photo of Sonia afterwards. Cant wait to see you again.