Merging MIDI for Kontakt


Oct 10, 2009
Hey guys,

I'm in the middle of doing MIDI drums for the first time for a band. I had initially had an instance of Drumagog running for every MIDI track (drums were sent to me with separated MIDI , snare , kick etc) . Then I found out that after buying Slate samples that I now have Kontakt player , which I had yet to use. I tried it out on drums that I downloaded from a guitar pro 5 file , and it sounds awesome ! My question is this : the Guitar Pro 5 file is one track of MIDI , with notes for all the drum hits in that one track. How do I merge all my separated drum MIDI tracks into one so I can just throw one instance of Kontakt on it? I tried the Alt+M merge thing , which got the notes in there , but it seems to only play the latest notes that were merged. For instance I threw the kick in there , dragged it to the note that triggered the kick. Then I copied and merged the snare MIDI , and dragged that to where the snare triggers. I play it back and now only the snare plays , even though the kick is still in there and not muted. Anyone know of a solution to this? Thanks!:kickass:
I'm gonna bump this because the answer to this question is integral to my sanity / work right now haha

I know someone knows the answer ! Google isn't returning shit... thanks guys
Am i missing something simple or can't you just copy paste those bitches? if you're in cubase you can double click + shift the first midi note of a type (say kicks) and it will select all of them
Well I'm in PT. I wish it were that simple but it does not seem to be working like that for me... thanks for the input though guys , I will keep trying
big thanks to dalinkwent48 , he pm'ed me with a solution:

create stereo aux , route all midi tracks to kontakt.
I would still like to figure out how to merge all to one midi track though...
Jay what version of PT are you running? It doesn't seem to make any intuitive sense that the MIDI would only play the recently added notes. I merge stuff together all the time with no problems- are you sure it's not something to do with SSD only accepting one note worth information? Maybe screen shot so we can see what's going on here...

EDIT: PT 8, my bad... I'm still using 7 but I can't imagine the functionality changing that drastically.