Merry (almost) X-mas

Why did that not cheer me up, but rather scared me and made me cower under my desk while holding my fingers in a cross and shouting "gay!"? :erk:

Maybe I tend to like gay men?

No, the problem is I don't know what girls exactly consider a visually attractive man so I guess that one went wrong. Maybe one of the women here could post an attractive one.
@Matse: It depends on the guy, usually it's not just looks that does it for me, it has to come with a hot personality. As a rule though, men who shave anything below the neck are discarded. ;)
@Matse: It depends on the guy, usually it's not just looks that does it for me, it has to come with a hot personality. As a rule though, men who shave anything below the neck are discarded. ;)

Hairy armpits fan? Well, good luck with that... :Smug:
@plintus: she's greek, don't forget. :p

of course, no offense

@matse: i liked the guy in the photo.
By no means do I want to turn this into a thread about shaving, but really! I'm not what you could call a hooligan of European culture, but what's with the North American shave-at-all-costs attitude? It doesn't always look better, and it only smells better if you're not familiar with water and soap. There's no need to be so dramatic about it: it's not women with a moustache, it's body hair around/below the waist for the most part.
not that anybody really wants to know, but here's my preference: i like guys with sparse chest hair, which means that if you naturally look like a bear you'd better trim a bit of the fur. as for pubic hair, while i am familiar (alas) with female locker rooms in gyms and i have seen every possible variation on the theme, where men are concerned i'd say that a moderate trim to avoid excess hair on upper thighs and belly is ok, crew cuts in private areas are a bit pretentious.
Ignoring the dangers that arise from delving into this topic a tad too much, i have to add the reasons why i support the natural look in men:
It's already painful enough to be a woman, so why would i want to inflict the same (or greater, as must be the case in back/chest waxing) pain on men? Part of their 'beauty' lies in the fact that they're simple and do things differently. And in the end of the day i want my man to look like a man, i don't want someone who tries to look like a woman. And if the hair is so excessive that it gets annoying, i should have chosen someone with better genes in the first place.
Easy kids....

*hands pop corn and beer to everyone*

why do i keep reading DT-porn
i want my man to look like a man, i don't want someone who tries to look like a woman.

Let me ask you this, then: Is it ok for a guy to have long hair? In the sense that long hair, at least in contemporary times, is a feminine trait. Yet, to use a previous example, many of the guys in DT have long hair, but are perceived as attractive? Isn't that contradictory? I'm not trying to single your personal taste in men out :p (this is an open question), but this isn't the first time I've heard that. It confuses me...

Note: Also, I understand that its a matter of personal taste or whatever. I understand there are many factors to what is considered "attractive" outside of physical appearance. Its just this particular matter I haven't been able to understand.
@DOC: Well, i was specifically talking about hair below the neckline. I'm not very concerned with what a guy does to his head and facial hair, as long as he looks decent (and yes, it's always individual, and it depends on the guy, and on all the attractiveness factors combined). Besides, who said that long hair is a feminine trait in contemporary times? A lot of guys have long hair and a lot of women have short hair. Not to forget that throughout the centuries there were times that men sported long hair. I believe the problem starts when the guy starts spending more time than i do in front of the mirror fixing his hair. Or waxing his chest. Or shaving his belly. You get my drift.
@Matse: It depends on the guy, usually it's not just looks that does it for me, it has to come with a hot personality. As a rule though, men who shave anything below the neck are discarded. ;)
Siren I totally agree with you!!! ;) hopefully we wont meet otherwise theres the risk we will fight for the same man! :p :p :p :lol: joking of course! ;)
and DoC, I dont really think long hair are feminine, i mean, look how many metalheads look 100% men with their long hair. ;)
but then again the perception of beauty is so personal and then again II, how many times do we feel attracted by a person whos so different from our ideal concept of beauty?
and DoC, I dont really think long hair are feminine, i mean, look how many metalheads look 100% men with their long hair. ;)

How about looking from behind (no puns, please, or I'll mention your mother)?

but then again the perception of beauty is so personal and then again II, how many times do we feel attracted by a person whos so different from our ideal concept of beauty?

Concept of beauty is actually this: you consider beatiful things you want to fuck. They can be overweight, cross-eye, with hairy underbelly and same sex as you, but - you want to fuck them. And that's what makes them all oh so beautiful!
I cant help but think there are a lot of women around who artificially and unnecessarily decrease their chances of meeting a decent guy..
@Taliesin: who do you mean and why? it would be nice if you could explain a bit more precisely what you mean. :)
Concept of beauty is actually this: you consider beatiful things you want to fuck. They can be overweight, cross-eye, with hairy underbelly and same sex as you, but - you want to fuck them. And that's what makes them all oh so beautiful!

How true. And social canons are in place to minimize the chance of that dreadful moment when you don't want to fuck them anymore, and cringe shouting "What have I done?" :lol:
I'm glad to see that, if Santa ever pokes his (big) nose in here, he will see how we've managed to keep the spirit of Christmas as he originally intended. :p

I have especial interest in the "how a true macho should look like" topic and the apotheosic final conclusion of "that's bulltshit, they're ok as long as you would fuck'em". Curious how topics drift away from the original...

@Taliesin: That's because there's a difference between what they say (and often think) they want, and what they actually want.
