merry christmas everybody!

ten four, good buddies! I wanna thank baldyboy for the Christmas cheer and send it right back to him and to all of you! At the risk of having my balls smashed flat with a wooden hammer I won't preach to all of you, but I think it is important to remember the REAL reason for the Christmas season! I, personally, am religious (though not always the best example of a Christian...) but like Bryant said, even if you're's still a time for peace on earth/good will towards man. It's the one time of year we should not get pissed at somebody snaking us in traffic, getting in line in front of us at McDonald's or all the small stuff that generally twists our tits. Let's all remember to sit back, relax, and just enjoy the season for once! It's okkkkkkkkkkkkayyyyyyy to let somebody else get ahead of you, etc. etc. etc. Just appreciate all you have and your family and true friends. Look at the kids in your life (or in the freakin' mall!) if you need inspiration! Have you EVER seen anyone's eyes light up like a kid's when they see Santa at the mall for the first time? (not the one's who cry but the ones who really get it!)Think about it everybody!
Love life!
Life large!
Kick Ass!

I don't know how to spell hanaka but there ya go...
Happy Holidays to everyone indeed, and very propserous and bright Happy New Year.

Blessed be thou all in metal:wave: