Well I doubt this is offtopic
being that most swedes are Lutheran (I think
) and they do celebrate christmas as far as as I know
:hotjump: :hotjump: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump:
***********************CLICHÉ ALERT***********************************
Tad Morose already gave me my gift this year (Playing in american soil >>> Progpower
***********************CLICHÉ ALERT***********************************
.................and to the rest of you HAPPY HOLIDAYS/PAID DAYS OFF WORK

:hotjump: :hotjump: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump:
***********************CLICHÉ ALERT***********************************
Tad Morose already gave me my gift this year (Playing in american soil >>> Progpower

***********************CLICHÉ ALERT***********************************
.................and to the rest of you HAPPY HOLIDAYS/PAID DAYS OFF WORK