Merry Fucking Christmas to One and All!

Missiles said:
Santa doesn't exist.
oh noooes!!1:cry:
Constantinus stole christmas original tradition and bent it to manipulate all the christians in the byzantine empire.
Actually if(stress on the IF) jesus existed, it's more likely he was born in april.

December 25th is the commemoration of the winter solstice(or summer solstice to us southern hemispherers), and that is the meaning I take it.
Or the birthday of newton :D

Happy christmas to ya all
BloodyScalpel said:
Constantinus stole christmas original tradition and bent it to manipulate all the christians in the byzantine empire.
Actually if(stress on the IF) jesus existed, it's more likely he was born in april.

December 25th is the commemoration of the winter solstice(or summer solstice to us southern hemispherers), and that is the meaning I take it.
Or the birthday of newton :D

Happy christmas to ya all

It's historically accurate to say that jesus in fact did exist. what people have a problem with is the notion that he was the savior of humankind.
all this holiday tree crap is just my country trying incessently to make up for slavery, segregation, and all the other times its fucked up, by enforcing its constitution and its values (this one the separation of church and state) to the point of comedy by making up a long string of euphemisms for fear of offending people.