Merry Xmas everybody!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Just wanted to wish all the forum visitors, regulars or occasional, a Very Happy Christmas and all the best for 2008!

Thanks for all your support during 2007 which has been great year for us, what with the European tour with Angra and Firewind, signing with Napalm records and pretty much completing recording for the new album "Master of Illusion"

Hope to see you all during the course of 2008!

Dudes and dudettes one and all,

Have a VERY metal Christmas :D :headbang: :kickass:


All the best to the PQ lads for the New Year. It's gonna be Year of The Quest!
Work is strangely quiet at the moment, everybody is scratching their heads as to why, because Next is supposted to be busy at this time of the year! It's actually dead in there. :lol:

I'm looking forward to Christmas day as it's a day off, and then I'm off to Dublin for a few days for new year I think. :headbang:
New Years Eve's never been big for me. A few crazy partys in my youth but at a ripe old 21 I'm starting to prefer a glass of bubbly in a comfy chair watching Jules Holland! :lol:
Well, after two days completely devoted to recovering from hangovers in a week, I'm actually up for doing some kind of work during my holidays for the first since since whenever! :eek: Nah, New Years' was good. Mostly relaxed and all fun :)