Mesa 2x12 Vertical or Horizontal


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2009
Hello! Im gonna get some cabinet for home, and i want mesa, so i decided to choose between this two cabinets.
What will be better just for playing and what will be better for mic-ing?

I googled this question but opinions are opposite...
Thanks for any opinions!

2x12RectoVfnt-LG.jpg Cabinets/RECTOcabs/Recto2x12V-LG.htm

2x12H-RectoF-LG.jpg Cabinets/RECTOcabs/Recto2x12H-LG.htm
I hear alot of negative things about vertical 2x12s in general. I've heard good recordings from the horizontal 2x12 though. The only reason I could think of for choosing the vertical version would be if you're using it on stage without monitors and need to be able to hear yourself.
The place I work has the vertical. I HATE it. Lifeless, flat, boring. Too tight.
The place I work has the vertical. I HATE it. Lifeless, flat, boring. Too tight.
Hmm, thanks!
Does it sounds so just when recording, or both when plaiyng and recording?
And one more question. Does a vertical recto 2x12 have a rear-loaded speakers just as all other modern recto-cabs?
Playing it sounds OK, but is still overly tight. I miss some deepness, some oomph.
bump... anybody have any more opinions about the vertical recto 2x12?

I'd like to get a 2x12 to have as a 2nd cab... the 2x12 supposedly having slightly less low end/being tighter sounds like a good thing to me. I like ultra tight/fast response, and while I love the recto 4x12 for recording, it could definitely feel tighter in the room... I think the 2x12 might actually be better for me, considering I play an 8 string in very low tunings...