Mesa Boogie Mark V

this thing actually REALLY surprised me. demisephil and I are studio partners so I got a chance to hear him play thru the Mark V, although I didn't get a chance to play it myself, so I can't comment on the 'feel' of the amp.

interestingly tho, the mark V impressed me more than any Recto I've ever heard (in person, that is). i'd be interested to hear how well it takes to being mic'd up and thrown in a mix, tho.

for me, it seems like quite the amp to have around the studio because it's just so god damn versatile!

How have you been? You've never had good luck with those Rectos, eh?
How have you been? You've never had good luck with those Rectos, eh?

Honestly, I haven't had enough time with one to really make an accurate personal opinion, but I've always been more of a 5150/ENGL guy, so... biased!

And I've been good bro! Yourself?
Yeah me and SigmundFreud33 are going to fuck around with some rectos and the mark 5 this weekend. and see what we can come up with. we like similar tones i just dig rectos more then he does haha

Do you guys boost your Rectos? Maybe this would help some. I couldn't see myself boosting a Mark series though. They are plenty tight already! The Recto is the only metal amp I haven't really tried. I plan on picking one up after I get a Soldano Avenger for my band.

me and SigmundFreud33 are trying out this bad boy now we will put something up about it later tonight. were useing a ts9, ts808, od808, and an od820 pro on this amp. we will give you all updates once we are done. we dont have it setup to where we can get you guys clips but when we can we will def get clips of it on here.
Phil and I had an interesting revelation last night with our little shootout! I just say, the Mark 5 sounds INFINITELY better boosted with either the OD820 or Ibby 808 reissue.

The Mark 5 sounds more Marshall oriented that I would have guessed! But, like, a Marshall made from demon seed. The cleans are AMAZING, we dialed in a perfect Tweed tone with just a touch of grit and saturation. Beautiful.

We were both amazed at how DIFFERENT all the Screamers sounded when boosting the Mark 5. With our favorite (in order) being: OD820, Ibanez808, Maxon808, and finally the TS-9. The TS-9 actually sounded noticeably different/not as pleasing, with the Maxon808 just barely sounding a little better.

All in all, this is a sick amp and I highly encourage you dudes to check it out! Expect some clips of it SOON.

Oh, and, of course, we tried it through an oversized straight Recto cab and a Marshall 1960a. Of course it KILLED through the Mesa with a very full and big spectrum being produced, while the Marshall really accentuating a different feel and sound to the high end.