Mesa Boogie Tone Burst versus Ibanez TS7 video

Between the two, I preferred the Tone Burst over the TS7, which I felt was accentuating your pick attack in a distracting manner.
I like the Tone Burst better, too.

Did you reamp these clips though, or just do 3 different takes? Cause the tone differences we're hearing could be completely irrelevant based on the fact that they're 3 different performances...?
I like the Tone Burst better, too.

Did you reamp these clips though, or just do 3 different takes? Cause the tone differences we're hearing could be completely irrelevant based on the fact that they're 3 different performances...?

Reamps of the same DI's.
Nice to see people liking the tone burst more, I think I'm starting to like it more too on everything.
I like the Tone Burst.

The TS-7 added a bit of a solid state buzz. The Tone Burst seemed to blend with the amp better.
I liked the TS-7 better. It accentuates the part of the high midrange that I like. The mesa sounded a bit smoother there and, as far as I can tell from my living room, more focused on the low mids. But that's not the type of tone I enjoy most.

I'm biased in a way though. Although I did blindly pick my favourite, I use a ts-7, so I probably picked what sounded most familiar to me.
I liked the TS-7 better. It accentuates the part of the high midrange that I like. The mesa sounded a bit smoother there and, as far as I can tell from my living room, more focused on the low mids. But that's not the type of tone I enjoy most.

I'm biased in a way though. Although I did blindly pick my favourite, I use a ts-7, so I probably picked what sounded most familiar to me.

I'd like to add that when you actually play over these pedals, the TS7 sounds impressively tighter, but recorded it's less noticeable.
Overall I'll be using the tone burst for leads and clean/crunchy tones and maybe the TS7 for heavy rhythm tracks (or maybe A/B them again and decide which one fits best)

I guess the TS7 is tighter because it sounds more compressed, which I don't like so much for the clean tones.

If you're looking for a pedal to make everything tighter and nothing else, I'd still suggest a TS7, 808, whatever... It's also cheaper, but if you want more versatility, try a tone burst.
^ Yea I think that would be a good approach. Especially for thick smooth solos I think the tone burst would be absolutely killer. And having 2 options in general is a good thing. I must say that this OD has a nice personal character. Usually in OD shootouts I think the difference is so minimal that it doesn't even matter, but this one does something special.
Who uses a tubescreamer for clean tones though?

Well, to get a different crunch tone out of it, I especially like to boost my mesa's clean to crunch tones with a pedal, imo sounds better then just turning the gain up, especially with the tone burst, it brings some magic to your channel. Single coil playing sounds nice with this too. Ofcourse it's a matter of taste.