Mesa Rectifier 2x12


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Anyone ever heard one of these? More importantly: anyone ever put a mic in front of these and then go 'oooh, aaaah?'.

I just missed out on one on ebay because I couldn't commit to something that seemed like it would sound more like a Mesa Traditional cab than an Oversize. Ordered the Harley Benton instead as it's cheaper...

But it would be great to know for future reference whether the Mesa 2x12 are worth recording!
I think 2x12's are good only for home practicing. They sound very fizzy (also my custom oversized 2x12) and if you use an sm57 this problem is also more prominent. They can't compete with a good 4x12.
Moreover, the Mesa 2x12 is not so big so I think it lacks some bass
I tried the mesa 2x12 some time ago, and it lacks balls in the low end area, it have nice mids and highs, I'm agree with Xes.
I own one, although I mainly use it along with my 4x12 for live stuff. although a while back i did track a few things with both the 2 and 4x12, using the 2x12 for its pronounced hi mids/bite and micing the 4x12 a little farther off center than i normally would to provide some meat. I was fairly happy with the results at the time but I cant find any clips at the moment. I'll keep looking though.
Doesn't Mesa make an "oversized" 2x12 and a traditional sized 2x12?

No there is only one 2x12

Actually, there are three, with slightly different dimensions ;) Cabinets/RoadsterCabs/Roadster2x12-LG.htm Cabinets/StilettoCabs/Stiletto2x12-LG.htm (this and the above look pretty much identical) Cabinets/RECTOcabs/Recto2x12H-LG.htm (this one is bigger) Cabinets/RECTOcabs/Recto2x12V-LG.htm (this is definitely the one I'd go for, if any)