Mesa RevF Recto kicks so much ass...3cha Rectos can suck it!

I only know I had a similar experience with rectos. I played an original 2 channel with a small logo that had to be from the very early 90's because I was playing it around '95, in a rehearsal studio we went to every week. It was an amazing sounding amp.

When I finally got my recto the 3 channels were out and I think I got the first version of the 3 channels. It NEVER sounded as good as that 2 channel. I changed cabs 3 times, tubes, and it just never got me there.

I'm new to the versions of the Rectos how do you know a Rev F from G on the older ones? Were all Rev F's small logo?
Easiest way to tell a G from an F or below is the logo on the head shell. If its the big logo, it is a G, small logos are F and below.
Ah, Thanks man. I only knew of the logo size I didn't know the letter associated with them. Thanks for the info. This definitely goes with my experience that small logo rectos almost always sound better.
not true...the racktos are great, but the RevF kills it, the early RevG with the Schumacher trannies (Mark series transformers) also sounds a bit better...the Racktos all are late RevG, with the same transformers as the 3ch heads.#and while those racktos sound much better than the new heads or the late RevG heads, they still can't touch a good RevF or RevG IME

+1 to this. I had a Racktifier a while back and it was the worst 2 channel I've owned. Even had it modded by FJA, and it sounded worse :(

Blackface Rev G I had was the best sounding Recto I've ever heard. Wish I never got rid of that thing. It was glorious :(
I had a Dave Friedman modded 3 Channel Recto that sounded better than a Rev F Triple Recto in the earlier serial numbers. Either Dave Friedman can turn shit to gold, or the amp started off awesome. I think the amps are just inconsistent as hell, and sometimes you find a winner.
I had a Dave Friedman modded 3 Channel Recto that sounded better than a Rev F Triple Recto in the earlier serial numbers. Either Dave Friedman can turn shit to gold, or the amp started off awesome. I think the amps are just inconsistent as hell, and sometimes you find a winner.

Friedman amps fucking rock, so I have no doubt the mods significantly increased the tone or that amp.
Seriously there are so many "options" (KNOBS) on those Recto heads that you can make them sound like whatever you want. What about the 4 channel Rectos that are not nearly as fizzy as both 2 and 3 channel Rectos? My bandmate just bought a Roadster which I used to have a few years ago and the vintage channel on the third channel is just perfection. We tweaked it a lot and ended up with almost everything noonish and the tone is deffo the best Recto tone I've recorded.