7 String/Mesa Recto Tone Help Needed


Ghost in the Machine
Mar 6, 2002
Manassas, VA
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So, I need some suggestions on things to do to get a better tone from a 7 string. I've never been a 7 string user myself, so any suggestions and advice is always appreciated. I've got a friends band who wants to track a demo soon, and I've offered to help them out some.

The clip below is from the band messing around. There's no bass on it, and the drums are actually just the bassist trying to keep a beat so the guitarist could mess around with some guitar parts. Nothing fancy, or mixed for that matter...just a few mics tossed up for the guitarist to play too and a fw samples blended to make it tolerable. So, never mind the drums, focus on the guitars. The guitars get a little off track at times, but like I said...everything was a quick one off that took about 2 hours tops from the moment we started tossing mics up on drums to when were packing up to leave after laying down a few guitars. (As a side note, the room itself is a horrible sounding detached garage that they have carpet and opther things hanging up to try and pad down some).

If I recall correctly, the guitars were a Recto panned hard right and left, with a Tube Screamer in front. Single SM57 about an inch from the grill, not far off center of the cone. Mesa Recto 4X12 with V30's. The guitar was some low end Ibanez 7 string with stock pups. Right now, the guitar sound is lacking a lot, just can't figure out what exactly. So, take a listen if you get a chance and give some suggestions on things that can be done to improve this guitar sound. We'd like to try and figure out how to correct some flaws before we even attempt to do any "real" recording. Thanks!


EDIT: Actually, looks like there's also 2 tracks of Mesa Stiletto a little lower in the mix panned 80% left/right.
sorry, no possibility to hear your sample at the moment (office.. no speakers here)..

just think about it:
what you hear on CD is kick bass guitars.. layered on top of each other (if you take it as a pic).. if the bass is missing, or the kick is not hitting like it should, you cant have a good guitarsound..

some principals.. every session I start is with beta 57a and md-421 (old gray one), centering on one speaking side by side.. then improve with AKG 414 roommic or mic a second cab.. depends.. sweetspot for marshall 4x12 60's cab is 60cm (centimeter) in front, middle of the cab.. there is the addition of all the 4 cabs..

why do u use tubescreamer infront of a stiletto??!!!
