MESH Computers


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
Are fucking bullshit NEVER buy anything from these assholes.....

I bought a comp from them 2 months ago and now my hard drive is fucked!
all my bands demo is fucking gone.....all my recordings offother bands as well....I swear if it wasnt new year and i wasnt drinking a good ole bud i would be hunting these dicks down!tried contacting them but to no avail these fuckers are a disgrace.Anyone else delt with these gimps?

^Burn in hell

haha im not as angry as i may seem...mabey its the beers....:headbang:
man that sucks..thanks for the heads up on them. if you dont already you should start recording to a external drive just in case this happens again.
no problem man!

Yeah i know they do but should hear the crap ive delt with these guys!

Thier "helpline" costs a pound a minute!@:#!#@#@#!
So thier faulty hardware fails on you and you have to pay them a pound a minute for subpar customer service that doesnt have a clue how to help you

These guys shouldnt be allowed to sell anything
unfortunatley thats the state of things now. You buy something with a manual translated from japanese, and when i doesn't make sense they charge you to tell you what they should've in the first place.