Meshuggah Obzen amps?

The OzBen guitars sounded like shit without me needing to listen to it back to back with the re release of Catch33 and Nothing......
Same setup as Catch 33 , Vetta head - line6 cab or Fred`s Marshall cab? - Chinese ribbon mic . Jocke probably know the exact setup.
I actually quite like the tone on Obzen! Very sinister sounding, just the way me likes it!

No way it would be an Invader anyway, the guitar tone represents the peak of digital-ness in its sound.

I don't know why you guys don't like the guitars but they sound pretty different to the shit I normally listen to and I enjoy how unique they are.
It's actually one of my favorite tones. Heh

Also has a lot to do with the fact that the bass guitar is practically non-existent, making the guitars just sound uber thin and gross.
I remember reading an interview/article about this, don't remember where though. They mentioned using their Vetta II heads & cabs, a bunch of different mics and very "experimental" mic positioning. Not much to go by but yeah it was all Line 6.
edit: this too


IC: I want to talk a little bit about the gear you use live and on obZen. Did you use your Line6 amps on this record?

MH: Yeah. We basically plug straight in to the Line 6 and use the cab that we mic, and then we get the simulator to fade in by just plugging straight in – so we have two signals.

When actually got around to record, we really early on realized that we would not be able to use the mic’ed sound, because the cabinets were crapping out whenever we went to the really low stuff with palm muting. It actually worked out better to just do it from the straight signal, you know? But it’s been Line 6 for most of the time.

IC: Have you ever considered the tube amp route, or are you happy with the modeling technology?

MH: We’re happy. We’re looking for new ways to improve the tone. We’re looking into some stuff now – we’re just about to mess around with it, but we’re not sure how that’s gonna pan out. I mean, we’ve been using the Vetta II’s both live and in the studio for a long time now. As far as today, Line 6 is fine for us.
How many of you are listening to obzen with flat(ish) bass response all the way down to 20Hz? The fundamental of the guitar and bass are actually quite strong if you've got the monitoring to get down to them comfortably and the album becomes listenable as opposed to be being the most ear fatiguing noise imaginable!
The guitars on this CD have some really grating, flat, 'stuck' digital sounding mids that congest the entire mix, and impact on the front to-back-depth. Everything feels 'pushed' to get above them as a result, and with the general lack of mid-bass, the whole CD just feels kinda harsh and weak at the same time. Seeing them live really made me realize that they translated quite poorly as a band on that CD.

The worst part is that this is one of my favourite metal records of all time. Kinda praying for DAR and Bergstrand to the rescue for the coming album.
Obzen's master is so loud it's like one big blast of sound. Of course that works wonders for guitar tone. I looked at Obzen once and I think it was at -7.5db RMS power. Loud and thin.

Catch 33 is a really quiet master with more room to breathe and and stronger lows on every instrument. I'd have to say that the tone on that album is one of my all time favorites.
i dont LOVE how obzen sounds, but its still a great record.
shows that you dont need a great sound to make a great album (musically).
people still love this album, except for engineers, noone ever complained about the guitars (to me at least, and i talk to a lot to meshugga'neers ;-)

if its of any help here, jocke said they quad tracked with looottsss of gain.:lol:
Same setup as Catch 33 , Vetta head - line6 cab or Fred`s Marshall cab? - Chinese ribbon mic . Jocke probably know the exact setup.

Yeah. Vetta II into the cheap Line6 4x12 (custom celestion) miked with a chinese Ribbon (No name, buy a hundred and you'll get you own logo on it).