Message for Princess

Fingers said:
Re. The World Cup

Any other hot tips ................. USA to win indeed LMFAO :p

Sorry couldn't resist it !

:lol: :lol:

I think I must have been wasted or something when I thought that USA were gonny win the Cup - well at least I thought they would have came second instead of crashing out in the first round. OH THE SHAME heheh!!!!! I think it was the second game they played and they were pretty good in that one, they drew with whoever it was they were playing against but my nerves were shattered just watching that match, so probably just as well they got booted out cos I would probably have died of shock or heart attack if they'd actually got as far as the finals.

Not to worry though, I only wasted about £20, so just as well I'm loaded and gay eh!!!!!

Anyhooo Whitesnake for me this coming Friday - should be a great night - anyone else heading to the Glesgae gig!!!!!
Sammi951 said:
Well they've a damn sight better chance of winning than Finland have! :Smug: :heh:

Hah, true. Because Finland didn't even get to the whole World Cup, but otherwise it's weird how England has always so bad team, even though football is so popular in England and they have great teams there (well, most of the players are foreigners, but still!). But hey, that was a joke really :lol: (yeah, sure... :puke: )

But didn't Biff say something like "I hate football!" in Rock Legends DVD? I'm with Biff on that thing then :lol:
Sammi951 said:
Well they've a damn sight better chance of winning than Finland have! :Smug: :heh:




hehe, sorry, had to do that :heh:
Brazil vs. France was a nice game, though France was MUCH better than Brazil.
Redman said:



hehe, sorry, had to do that :heh:
Brazil vs. France was a nice game, though France was MUCH better than Brazil.

And your point is??? It doesn't matter if England went out after the first round - they STILL had a better chance than Finland, who were abso-fucking-lutely nowhere to be seen in this tournament. Nuff said.
WILKS said:
Finland V Scotland in the final.

What do yo you call a Scot in Germany?

Least we know we're shite,and don't keep buildin ourselves up all the time,just to do the inevitable and fall flat on your arses,u never learn do u ?:OMG: Fuck yeh !
Sammi951 said:
And your point is??? It doesn't matter if England went out after the first round - they STILL had a better chance than Finland, who were abso-fucking-lutely nowhere to be seen in this tournament. Nuff said.

Hey, don't be so offensive :lol: was only joking as usually. But yeah, I didn't believe a second that England could win the world cup. And as I said earlier, that's weird, because they have so many great players.

I guess France will win the world cup, they just showed so much skill against Brazil, but as we know, luck plays important role in Football... more than in many other sports I think.