Message from Craig regarding Leaving Odin's Court

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Band Member
Feb 24, 2004
On Wednesday, 12 MAY 2004, I decided to take a break from my responsibilities with Odin's Court. Some recurring themes in recent history have been stress, overburdened workloads, and a growing To Do list of things that I need to get done. To make my life a little less complicated and to avoid a nervous breakdown, I needed to drop something. Unfortunately for the great guys in Odin's Court, the band happened to be at the very end of my priority list. My other responsibilities are all necessary to continue a well-balanced life and are not items I can shirk. Some of the items include:

* Maintaining an even keel at home while my wife, Mickey, pursues her Master's Degree
* Raising my son, Tyler, who just turned 3 on 10 MAY 2004
* Spring/Summer chores both inside and outside of my house
* A more aggressive workload in my new job with additional duties/responsibilities including travel

Just this small list is comprised of many subtasks that keep me extremely busy. It is surprising that I was able to practice and maintain my keyboard playing with Odin's Court for so long. I truly wish them the best in their future endeavors. They possess a lot of talent, both realized and potential, that will ensure their future success. I hope to be afforded the opportunity to work with them in any aspect in the distant future. For now, I will have to be happy with maintaining all of the friendships fostered there.

I cannot ask for anyone's understanding in any of these matters if they haven't been subjected to the same experiences. I will, however, ask that my decision be given the support and respect that I think it merits. I would also ask that the members of Odin's Court be respected and supported in whatever configuration with which they decide to proceed for the future, be that with a new keyboard player or in their original 3-piece format.

Cheers :grin: and...
Rock on! :rock: (as Matt is so fond of saying) ;)
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