Message from Nick re: Redemption disc sales policy


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
The "policy" on CDs per person...
First, I'd like to thank the fans for their support and the interest in our new record. We are very proud of it and we hope you thoroughly enjoy it!

I had the idea to do a special offer of the CD several months ago, not just because of the importance of ProgPower in the prog metal community as a way to generate some attention for the release, but also as a special thank you to Ken Golden who gave us our start on Sensory Records, and as a way of thanking Glenn and giving him a little something else to provide to attendees, especially gold badge holders. I'd like to publicly thank not only Ken and Glenn, but Inside Out and Century Media, both of which have been fully supportive of this idea from the start. Now that I can finally talk about it, let me also add that Century Media has already been fantastic to work with and we are delighted to be part of the Century family.

Numerous posters have asked how many CDs each person will be allowed to buy, etc. and I've discussed the situation with Ken and Glenn. While normally I wouldn't be in favor of any restrictions, I do think part of the spirit of this promotion is to provide another little something for gold badge holders and at the same time make the CD available to Redemption fans in attendance.

With this in mind, Ken has decided to limit sales to two per person on Friday. We aren't using wristbands or doing anything heavyhanded to enforce this -- we are relying on the honor system and Ken's preternatural memory for faces. Do not tempt the Goldenator. On Saturday, there will be no limit to how many CDs each person can buy.

We are also doing our best to make the pricing very reasonable, and I would personally be very disappointed (as I'm sure Ken and Glenn would be) if people were to take advantage of this and buy copies only to sell them on eBay before the street date of the CD in early October. Glenn and I will be monitoring the auction / resale sites between the end of the festival and the street date. Please do the right thing and don't resell anything. Obviously, I hope you enjoy the music and if you buy multiple copies that you're giving them to friends. If you're buying ten copies to sell before the broader street date, it will be the last time anything like this happens at ProgPower and that would be very disappointing to everybody.

So with that said, again, I thank you all very much for your interest, and hope that Snowfall is one of your favorite discs this year!
The limit is totally understandable. I'm hoping to buy 1 for me and 2-3 for a few friends. Hopefully we won't have idiots buying them to make money. Thanks again to Nick & Ken for making these available to us at the festival :kickass:
The limit is totally understandable. I'm hoping to buy 1 for me and 2-3 for a few friends. Hopefully we won't have idiots buying them to make money. Thanks again to Nick & Ken for making these available to us at the festival :kickass:

If you are able to grab me one, just PM me upon your return and I'll send you the money and address. Thanks again.
Exactly the news I was hoping to hear - thanks to Nick, Glenn, Ken and everyone who made this possible in the first place and double thank you for allowing us to pick up two copies on Friday! I can't wait to spin the disc!
lol.. the shirt should be on EVERYONE'S list without question :)
They are all too big for me. :cry: I'm going to have the one's from past PP's altered, but I just can't justify buying another nightshirt.
Definitely getting my copy of Redemption. Looking for Cain's Offering too.
This is one of the few things that I'm picking up this year, due to the fact that I still have a handful of CD's from last year that I haven't bothered to listen to yet. I'm sure that after a visit to LaserCD the plan will go straight to hell, but at least I tried!
The only thing I plan on doing with this CD between the time I buy it and the release date is destroying a couple of pairs of speakers!!!! Excellent news!! Thanks Nick, Ken, Glen, and everyone involved in making this happen for the fans!
Rob Rock will be appearing at ProgpowerUSAX to promote his new DVD "The Voice of Melodic Metal" Live in Atlanta, which was recently released on AFM Records worldwide and Koch Entertainment in the USA.
The new DVD/CD combo package was filmed and recorded last year at Progpower IX, and is the ONLY DVD available from last years fest.

Check out this new promo video for the new Rob Rock DVD:

Rob will do a signing session on Friday September 11th at 7:45 p.m.
Rob will also be performing as one of the guest singers with Crimson Glory later on that night.
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Thank you, this is wonderful news!

I was afraid I'd have to put the "peaceful Babs" aside and get medieval on people's a** if I got to the vendor and they were all sold out (grin)!

And I can still get my beauty sleep (lol). Behave Dub!