Camera Policy Announcement

Are you going to use your trusty 50mm or the sexy 24-70mm f/2.8 L?

I'll be using the 24-70. Better clarity and more flexibility for sure. I find I don't need 1.8 shooting at PP which is really nice.

I got a Nifty Fifty (50mm f/1.8) for Christmas :) I plan on using it at PP. I also have a 70-200 telephoto that I used a few times getting some whole stage shots from the stairwell risers. That sucker is one heavy lens! I thought about getting the 24-70mm lens, but I know I wouldn't use it that often, not worth buying new or used.
This is AWESOME news! Thanks a LOT just made the experience that much better :-)
Are you going to use your trusty 50mm or the sexy 24-70mm f/2.8 L? :Saint: I am going to break my wrist lugging in the 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II this year but I'm quite happy I can bring in my tiny pocket camera too so I don't have to break my neck with the SLR when I want to take pictures with friends and the bands. I have no pictures of me at Progpower with anyone because no one could take a proper picture when manhandling my camera :lol:

Apparently you just never asked me to do your pic. I've been hauling a 70-200L to PP for four or five years now (finally gave up and just bought one instead of renting, last year).

I'm easy to find, too, I'm the fat one with the 70-200L. :)

Apparently this change of policy is a bigger deal than I expected.

I was leaving the GA RenFaire on the last day and was talking to some metalheads in the parking lot, and naturally the topic swung around to PPUSA. I mentioned that Turisas had been added, making it 14 bands over 2 days, and one of them said "That's totally awesome! We'd get tickets, except for that silly camera policy they have!"
"Digital cameras ARE allowed now. The rule was changed about two days ago!"
"We'll get tickets when we get our next paychecks!"

:Smokedev: :worship:
A LOT of people complained a LOT about it, even at the fest. Walking around with a camera last year, I was stopped no less than 20 times each night and was told what a "dickish policy" it was by each person, and how it was "unfair" that I had to "pay for the privilege of being able to take pictures". There's really only so many times you can kind of defend the policy before getting sick of it and saying "yah man, you're totally right, brb getting free beer and a spot in front of the barrier for Sabaton."
Policy recap and preview of policy poster verbiage:

  • Compact, prosumer, and SLR film and digital cameras are permitted
  • Camera phones are permitted
  • Small camera bags and small daypacks are permitted
  • No massive lenses with DSLRs
  • No tripods or monopods
  • No hardshell camera cases, large camera backpacks, or camera cases on wheels
  • No external flash units
Pre-emptive clarifications:
  • Limitations on equipment and bags are relaxed for sponsors, but be aware that you don't have any place to securely stow camera bags, and tripods and monopods are still not permitted.
  • High-power external flash units add to the bulk of the camera and obstruct view from behind you (and annoy the artists and audience if used improperly)
  • Use of built-in flashes is fine
  • Video recording in the lobby areas is fine.
Any further questions?